A Home Away From Home

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"Lance, you really don't have to." I said urgently. "I mean, really. I don't want to sleep in the same bed you and Charlotte have sex on." The two of them started to laugh, shaking their heads at me as Charlotte grabbed my arm.

"Will you shut up and let us do this? I changed the sheets when you told us you were on your way over here." She explains, patting the bed spread. "Nothing has happened on these sheets yet."

"It's just the context of your bed though." I argue. "I'm perfectly fine with sleeping on the couch tonight with Carter." Lance smiles softly before putting his arm around me and kissing my forehead.

"Except Carter, is sleeping in here with the both of you." Lance said firmly "I'll take the couch. It's really not a big deal." But it was a big deal. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go back to Calum and apologize but after everything he had done... I wasn't the one who needed to apologize. Tears welled up in my eyes and Charlotte gave me a sympathetic look before pulling me into a hug.

"I want to go home." I said, trying not to completely break down in her arms. "I'm so sorry for bringing Carter and I here. I should've just.."

"Shh." Charlotte hushes me harshly. "You don't have to apologize for anything. We're your friends. You can come here any time you want, no matter the circumstances." I rubbed at my eyes as she let go, putting me at arms length in front of her. "I'm glad you're here okay?" I nod my head a little, sniffling and look over at Carter, sitting on the floor and forlornly playing a game on Lance's phone.

"Hey baby, ready to go to bed?" Getting down on one knee, I slowly take Lance's phone away. Carter looks up at me sadly.

"I wanna go home momma." He complains before allowing me to pick him up. I stand slowly, Carter's arms wrapped around my neck and my right arm underneath his legs so he won't choke me with the strength he's clinging to me with. I hand Lance his phone back.

"I know honey but we're just going to sleep here tonight with Lance and Charlotte. Won't that be fun?" Carter made a sad whimpering sound and I winced as Lance murmured a goodnight and headed for the door. I set Carter down on the bed as Charlotte slid under the covers on the opposite end of us.

"But won't daddy be sad all alone?" Carter asked as Lance shut off the light. I could still see how wide Carter's eyes were in the dark. I got into bed and gently laid him down, tucking the covers around the two of us.

"Daddy's gonna be fine honey. We'll see him tomorrow okay? Try to get some sleep please." Charlotte smoothed out Carter's dark hair and he sighed a little before snuggling into my side. I wrapped my arm around him gently and faster than I anticipated, Carter fell asleep.

"I think your phone is buzzing." Charlotte whispered to me, the two of us still wide awake in the semi-darkness. I was so lost in thought, I hadn't even heard the vibrations. I manage to sit up a little and grab my phone from the bedside table. There were several messages from Calum filling the screen.

Calum ❤️
Lily, babe pls comme home
I m sodry I didn't mesn any of it pleas

He was clearly still drunk. I could at least understand what he was saying, but I just didn't want to hear any of it right now. Charlotte was staring at me. The blue light was illuminating my face, slightly blinding me so I couldn't tell if she looked concerned or not. Did she know it was Calum texting me? But then again, who else would it be? 

Calum ❤️
I don't hafe our son. I love him liky I'm just drunk
I don't know wht I wld do wihout you.
Pleas come home too me

Please come home to me

I slowly turned off my ringer and then I turned off my phone. I didn't know how to answer him. I wanted to tell him to go to sleep. I wanted to tell him to think about what he had said and done but I also just didn't want to say anything at all. I settled back down into the pillows as Carter squirmed anxiously in my arms. I think we were all going to sleep fitfully tonight.

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