Chapter Twelve

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The snow. Was. Everywhere. How could someone live here. Scorpion and I was standing in front of the Lin Kuei temple. I didn't know why would Scorpion want to see Sub-Zero. I mean, I know he knows who really killed his family and clan, but seriously!

The big doors to the temple opened to reveal Sub-Zero himself. I barely saw him without a mask so it was surprising to see what he looked like. I had to admit, he was handsome and everything. He had a dark stubble growing on him, which defined his sharp jawline and the same icy blue eyes. His attire looked as if he didn't feel cold at all. Probably doesn't either. Considering his abilities.

He walked up in front of Scorpion and then bowed. Scorpion did the same. Sub-Zero then looked at me with confusion. "Mileena is here?" He asked more than say. "Yes. Raiden told me to watch over her because she could be a threat to Earthrealm." Scorpion responded. "You sure she's not a threat now?" They spoke as if I wasn't here. "I promise I won't hurt either one of your clans. I have no purpose to." I spoke slyly, but it was the truth. He humed in response. Suddenly an ice ball flew pass me. I quickly dodged it and looked at Sub-Zero. There was no way he could've threw that at me.

But who did? My questions were quickly answered when a girl with spiky ice hair, wearing a blue Lin Kuei garb, stepped out of the shadows. She threw another one at me, but this time I rolled into a ball and tripped her up. I moved a few feet back. She groaned and ran towards me with an ice dagger. Man, I wish I had my sais. I tried to dodge all the swiping she did, but she mangered to cut my arm.

I teleported and kicked her in the face. She stumbled back some and ran right after me. What was this girl's deal? I ran towards her too, but slide between her legs. Then I put her in a headlock. "Get me out!" She groaned, struggling. She was very lucky that I didn't bite her head off. "Stop it." Sub-Zero ordered. I let her go and teleported away from her.

"Frost. Stop starting fights with everyone you see." The girl, well,  'Frost' growled at him. "You may be the Grandmaster, brother, but you don't tell me what to do." So this girl was his sister. That would explain the ice abilities. "While you are in the Lin Kuei, you follow my rules." Sub-Zero stated with all seriousness on his face.

I looked at Scorpion who didn't say a word, but look...amused. I growled and walked up to him. "Why the hell did you take me here?" I demanded angrily. "You think I would trust you with my clan." It wasn't a question. I sighed. TRUE. Sub-Zero finally stopped arguing with his sister and began to walk towards the door of the temple. Frost was trailing behind, death glaring me.

Scorpion begun to follow. "I need to speak to you, Kuai. In private." He requested. Why would he need to speak to him in private? Was it about me? Is Scorpion mad at me and want to kick me out? So many questions popped in my head.

Sub-Zero nodded his head. "Alright. Frost, you stay in the living room and watch over Mileena." I was furious. Why the hell would I stay with a girl who tried to kill me after just meeting?! Frost looked angry too. "Why?!" Sub-Zero gave her a bored expression. "Bond." He says with a smile. I think I hate him now.

Scorpion POV

Mileena looked upset. Her facial expression showed anger but her eyes shown a hidden sadness. I wanted to know why. But first, I must talk to Kuai about this....problem of mine.

We both went alone to his throne room. Kuai got some tea and a table already set up. We both seated across from each other. He mixed the tea in both of our cups. "What is the problem, my friend?" Kuai asked me and drank some of the tea. I took a deep breath. "I sleep with Mileena everyday." I put no emotions in my words. I saw Kuai cough rapidly.

"Say what now?!" He asked after regaining hisself. "I have sex with Mileena everyday-." "What? How did this happen? Nevermind, I don't want to know. What advice you want me to give you?" He looked flabbergasted. "How to make it stop? I have no control over it." I practically begged. I wanted these dreams and hallucinations to go away.

"Um, wow! Everyday." He mumbled as he looked down at the ground in thought. I felt embarrassed. "Yes. In my dreams and hallucinations." I confirmed. He looked back at me in relief. "Oh you meant in your dreams. Thank Elder Gods." What's that suppose to mean?

"Have you at least tried talking to her about it?" He asked. I could see he regained back his composure. "No." What was he going with this?

"Then you should talk to her about it." Kuai responded. That is lousy advice but I never tried it. "But what if I can't control myself. She's crazy beautiful and have beautiful curves." He looked surprised again. "Are you sure that you don't have an attraction for her?" I sighed. I probably did. Who knows? "I need release from all this madness that is going on in my head!" I shouted before shaking my head. I didn't understand why I was angry.

Sub-Zero looked at me with thought. "Then ask her to bed with you." I looked at him, confused. "What you mean?" He sighed. "Ask her to have sex with you." That was unexpected. Especially coming from Sub-Zero. I felt my face heat it and that was very weird, coming from a guy who can manipulate fire and heat.

"I can't do that." I scratched my head in frustration. He sighed again. "Do you want to get rid of the dreams and hallucinations?" "Yes, but-." "Do it. Literally." I glared at him. There was no way I could do that. I'm still a married man. With dirty thoughts about another woman. Plus you are not married anymore since you both died and she isn't alive. Also you haven't been pleased since you died and that was years ago! I hate my subconscious mind.

"I will consider your advice. Doesn't mean I will do it." I addressed with no emotion.

Well this was the most weirdest conversation I ever had.

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