Chapter Twenty-One

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After all these years, I kept this away from him. To protect him and the child. I thought it was the best thing I should do.

I sat on the bed in silence.

I looked up at Scorpion to see his reaction. He had a blank expression, looking deep in thought. He wasn't looking at me.

Tears spilled from eyes because I was afraid that he would leave me again.

For a long moment he didn't speak and it was killing me.

"Listen I'm sorry for keeping this from you." I apologized profusely. He didn't respond and was still not looking at me.

I reached out to grab his hand again. He moved away. "I didn't want to tell you so soon." More tears rained down my face. I held my head down.

"So when were you going to tell me, huh?! How long have you been keeping this from me?!" He yelled, his fists were clenched and there was fire settling on them. I could feel the heat was radiating off him.

I didn't bother to look up. "I don't know. Ever since he was born." I mumbled dumbfounded of what I revealed. "I have a son and you didn't tell me!"

I didn't answer him and I didn't want to either. I had enough grief on me before. "Where is the 'safe place'?" He demanded.

"I already told you. I don't know." I answered/ murmured in defeat and shame of myself.

I could hear him scoff. "Damnit Mileena, why would you keep this from me?! Why didn't you tell me?! He is my only son and now I can never see him! I couldn't even hold him! Then you gave him to a stranger! Let a stranger have him while I don't even know what he look like! You are a sad excuse of a mother." I looked up at Scorpion and narrowed my eyes at him. He's putting all that shame on me. He isn't the perfect father either.

"I carried that child, not you! What I did was to protect him! The woman I gave him to was a person I know all about because I spyed on her to make sure she would take care of my son correctly! I regretted that decision every damn day! I would have told you if you didn't leave! You never came back to check on me or nothing! You left me in the dirt with a baby while getting chased by a crazy vampire! I never knew how to take care of a child, because no one told me! My father would have killed me, you, and the child if he found out. So I had to hide him! I missed his first words, steps, and everything too! I never heard him call me mama! I couldn't even have a proper family. You have no fucking clue of what I was going through! So don't tell me that I'm a bad mother when you're a deadbeat yourself!" I cried out at him, trying to wipe the uncontrollable tears.

Scorpion looked at me with so much hate that I was afraid it was radiating off him. He stood up and faced the door. He didn't even have the audacity to look at me. "Get out of my clan." He demanded without moving.

I scowled at him. I can't believe he would do that to me. I can't go anywhere else in Earthrealm because of my teeth. But he wants to be that way.

I was so infuriated with him. Everything he said to me, meant nothing. I stood up and headed to the door. Just before I stepped out I snatched off the purple necklace he gave me and threw it on the floor.

He looked surprised for a short second before reverting back to anger.

"Fine. I'm turning myself in." I made sure to hide the sadness and pain in my voice. He kept his hard glare. "If that's what you want." He replied coldly. I was flabbergasted. He was the scum everyone warned me about.

"I can't believe I ever loved you."

Hanzo POV

How could she not tell me something of this importance! I lost one son already and I don't plan on losing another.

She angered me to the state where I almost turned back into Scorpion.

I couldn't stand her at the time, but now, I feel regret of what I said to her. Her words stabbed into me, sharper than any knife.

Still, I didn't say anything and allowed her to leave.

I sighed heavily, putting my face in my hands. The events that made me grow such hate towards myself. Mileena did make a point.

She carried my now, only son through hard times with her father and sister. While I, obsessed to kill Quan Chi, left her. Left her alone with a vampire, obsessed with ruling the worlds and taking her as his bride and mother of "his" son. I was being inconsiderate.

And she loved me.

First off, our son is out there somewhere. Second, someone dangerous is in the Shirai Ryu. Third, I argued with Mileena while she was in no condition to. Three things I had to consider.

I had a lot of things going through my mind.

I looked at the necklace glistening on the floor and picked it up.

This was a protection necklace, though she still got sick. Strange.

I hoped that she was still wearing the other one too.

But I knew one thing. Victor needed to be stopped.

He drove Mileena to give someone else my son, threatened my clan, and cause Mileena so much distress. I promised that I'll protect her and I'm going to.

That vampire has to die. And it will be by my hand.

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