Chapter Nineteen

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Mileena POV

I rolled over on the bed and was alarmed when I didn't feel nobody beside me. I got up quickly to see a dent in the bed where Scorpion were. I looked down at myself. I was naked of course and tangled in the sheets.

Where's Scorpion? I moved one leg off the bed and then the other. As soon as I got up, I fell. "Shit!" I cursed as I hit my elbow on the hard wooden floor. That hurt so bad! And it's all Scorpion's fault. I got up slowly. My knees still wobbly.

I walked to the window on my side of the bed. I slowly moved the curtains to be blinded by sunlight. Scorpion was probably in the Shirai Ryu. I thought he was until I felt arms wrap around my waist.

A blush appeared on my face. He kissed my cheek. "Good morning Mileena." Scorpion greeted me. I truly felt at peace. "Good morning my love." I turned around and kissed him on the lips softly.

"Mileena I want you to have this." He held something in his hand. I gasped.

It was a thin, golden necklace with a purple pendant in the center. It was beautiful! "It's so--wow!" Scorpion had a satisfied look on his face after seeing my reaction. He put it on me. It matched so well to my skin. I hugged him again.

"Mileena. I have to go to the Shirai Ryu. There are clothes in the closet and breakfast at the table. I'm sorry I couldn't spend this morning with you. You can tour the house if you like or come to the Shirai Ryu. Either one is fine." He unwrapped his arms from my body, leaving me cold.

I nodded my head. Scorpion began to walk out of the room. I touched the beautiful necklace and I sighed, walking to the closet. I was surprised he actually had women's clothes in his closet. Including undergarments for me.

He even had the outfit I made. He was prepared. Wow! I picked out the one I made and set it on the bed. I wanted to take a bath.

I took a quick bath and put on my clothes. I left my shoes off though. Now it was time to explore this house.  I started off in his room. It was very spacious and cosy. His bed was king-sized with a golden ring on the top. Sheets were white. There was a tan dresser beside it. I noticed that there was something placed on top of it.

It was a medium to large gold  box. I decided to snoop. I walked to the box and also noticed that it was a note on it. I picked it up.

Dear Mileena,

I figured that you'll go snooping anyway so I got you this. I know you were looking for it.

Sincerely, Hanzo Hasashi

By all the eraser marks on the paper, it seemed like Scorpion had a hard time finding out what to say to me. I found that insanely adorable.

I smiled to myself. I set the paper down back on the dresser. I pulled the lid off the box eagerly. Yay!

My beautiful sais! Finally! I hooked them to my strap to my shorts. 

I just love Scorpion so much!

Wait, do I?

My face started to heat up. That made me feel even more bad about something I kept so long from Scorpion.

But if I told him now, his entire sweet demeanor will change. Probably a little bit later.

I walked out of the room and into another room. It was empty except for a bed and closet. I wonder what it was there for.

I walked out of that room and into what seemed like the livingroom. There was Japanese games located in there.
I walked to the dining room. There was strawberry, bananas, grapes, and peaches all cut up on a white platter. There was also sausage and eggs in another plate with pancakes. There was also a glass of orange juice. I got really familiar with Earthrealm food.

I sat down at the table and began eating. I didn't noticed how hungry I was until I took the first bite of sausage. I instantly fell in love with the food. He most definitely know how to cook.

After I was done eating everything, I walked outside. There was a small outside dojo. I decided to go train. Especially since I got my sais again.
I trained for a good two hours before deciding that I was bored.

I had to have contact with someone. I walked up the stone stairway and to the Shirai Ryu. I was trying to find Scorpion. I walked through most of the dojos without getting noticed by anyone. I stumbled across one that was filled with girls. I know my last encounter with a female, except the maidens, was not a good start.

I thought, why not? Not everyone wants Hanzo. Which I don't get.

I walked to one of the females with Ginger hair. "Do you know where Hanzo is?" I asked her politely. She turned around.

She was extremely beautiful and had large honey-colored eyes. I didnt get why Scorpion didn't want her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Why?" Her voice was very soft and sweet. "I just need to find him." I told her.

She nodded her head. "Check in the eastern dojo." She instructed. Finally someone who is not rude.

I walked out of the dojo and to the one she instructed. I walked in slowly, trying not to bring attention to myself.

The room was filled with males. Scorpion had to be in here, somewhere. I was afraid that I was going to encounter Victor again. I had to warn Hanzo about him.

"You lost?" I heard a male voice behind me. I felt goosebumps on my skin.

I turned around. It wasn't Victor. This male had blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm tough and skillful, so why do I feel like I'm danger.

"I'm looking for Hanzo." I say confidently. He gave me a light hearted smile, which eased me up a bit. "You must be friends with him. He's actually in his office." He claimed. I was so confused. Why are two people telling me two different things?

I nodded my head and got out of there as quickly as I could. I walked to his office. Before I could walk in, I heard noises coming from his office. Sexual noises. It can't be Hanzo. I just know it. "Ayana." I heard Scorpion groan from inside.

My heart felt like it was breaking. My hands started to shake. I couldn't believe it! This was not true. This couldn't be. No words can describe how badly I felt. I know what they were in there doing in there and it broke my heart to think about it.

Tears poured from my eyes rapidly. I ran away from the door. I can't stand to hear anymore.

I ran outside and towards a far cherry blossom tree. I cried my eyes out. After all he did and said to me last night, he go ahead and get with another girl?! I thought he was honorable!

Well I guess I was wrong.

Hate to Love (A Mileena And Scorpion Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now