Chapter Twenty

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I cried so much that I was all out of tears. There was such a heavy pain in my chest. If I ever see him or Ayana again, I don't know what I'll do.

So I avoided him. For weeks, I tried to not have any sort of contact with him.  Until one day.

I was in my 'room' sulking like before.  I awoken feeling my stomach churning, but I ignored it. I was so hungry but I ate so little since that day.

I prepared myself for that day and walked out my room. As soon as I stepped foot out, Scorpion was standing right in front of me. My breathing was starting to become irregular.

From instinct, I raised my hand and smacked him across the face, hard. He turned his head back to face me. Blood dripped from his lip and I almost felt bad.

He looked angry and confused. "What did I do?" He demanded. What did he do? "You broke my heart, you asshole!" I shouted at him. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

He still looked perplexed. "What?" He asked, sounding genuinely confused. I clenched my fist. It disgusted me that he didn't even admit. The tears gave up on me.

"How could you do this to me? And with her?!" I cried out heavily. "What are you talking about?" He asked seriously.

"You went against me and call your honorable!" I shouted at him. He furrowed his eyebrows. "How are you going to accuse me of something I didn't do. When you've kept avoiding me for almost a month!" He yelled back at me. I could see I fueled his anger.

I couldn't calm myself down. "3 weeks ago. When you were in your office." I described. Why didn't he remember this?

He still looked confused. "After the night we--." I paused and stared at him in the eyes. "Made love." He looked surprised at my statement, but still confused.

"I was not in my office the day after. I was in the eastern dojo training my pupils." He revealed. I was confused. That's strange. Then who was in his office?

"What did you hear? Who was in my office?" He inquired in a warning tone. He was genuinely confused! "I thought heard you moan Ayana's name in the office." He shook his head.

"I would never do that to you. Never." He promised. A small smile appeared on my face. I knew it wasn't him! I felt so happy, but embarrassed.

Something almost instantly clicked in my head. "Victor is a shapeshifter." I told Hanzo. He eyed me curiously.

"Victor posed as you and another Shirai Ryu. He's going to come for me." I panicked. My tears started to reform.

Scorpion pulled me closely into an embrace. "Nobody will ever harm you. I promised that I will protect you forever. Just know that I will keep that promise." He reassured. My heart felt warm. However, deep down inside I felt scared. Scorpion may be strong, but this vampire is almost invincible.

Plus I still haven't confessed to Scorpion yet.

I leaned my head against his hard chest. I sighed deeply. "I don't deserve your protection." I pulled away from him without meeting eye contact.

Scorpion looked confused again. "It's my fault that your clan is at risk. He could be anybody and we'll never know." I eyed him. He caressed my face and nodded his head. Giving me a strong gesture.

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand and walked me to a familiar place. It was his prized possession chamber. It opened to him being there and quickly closed as soon as I stepped in.

He began to walk towards one of them. It was a silver necklace with a red pendant. I didn't know he was in to jewelry. He picked it up and it instantly glowed. I was in awe.

"This is a necklace that can see through a shape shifter. And it harnest the power to do so too. I found it in the netherrealm when I was living there. I never really needed it, but something told me to keep it." He put it around my neck, along with the other one.

Both of the necklaces glew on me. I never felt so, so powerful. "Don't let it get in your head." He warned. I nodded my head and breathed in.

My stomach churned again and a little harder this time. I thought that it was because of the necklace, so I ignored it again.

"I've dealt with vampires before, killed some even. But some are more stronger than the other. I think I knew Victor. I fought him once. His strength and agility is crazy, but I beat him. But I couldn't kill him." He said with seriousness in his eyes.

I sighed. "And that's what I'm afraid of. Victor can heal and you cannot. I'm afraid that you might die in a battle against him." I was too scared of losing Hanzo.

He stared into my eyes. "You don't have to worry about me. I would die for you and my family." His words scared me even more and made me feel even more guilty for keeping that secret.

He walked to another case. This one held a brown rock with multicolor  pieces of jewels in it. It was unfamiliar to me. How do he even gain all this stuff?

"I got this in the chaos realm. It was a gift from a deity when I saved her and her children's life." He explained while staring deeply at it. "This object protects the Shirai Ryu and keep all the evil out." He turned around to look at me.

"I deactivated it when you came in here." I felt offended but it was true. I caused so much potential harm to the Shirai Ryu.

"Can you reactivate it?" I asked. He gave me an uneasy sigh. "Yes, but it gets rid of all evil. Even if I think you have good intentions, you're still not labeled as a good guy."

I was truly frustrated with this whole thing. Everything bad happening to the Shirai Ryu, would be my fault.

There was only one way I could protect Scorpion and his clan. "Maybe I should just leave the Shirai Ryu." I concluded. Scorpion shook his head.

"No. You are my responsibility. Leaving is not the best way." He responded quickly. My heart fluttered in my chest.

My stomach churned again. Way harder than before. I clenched my stomach and winced. "Are you okay, Mileena?" He asked me, the worry pretty evident in his voice.

It stopped churning, though left me with a pounding headache. I rubbed my head and managed to speak. "Y-yes. I'm fine." I swallowed. "No you're not." I was surprised when he picked me up.

My face heated up. "No seriously, I-I'm fi-fine." I winced again because of my head. Scorpion stared at me so caring. "You're burning up." He pointed out as he rubbed my skin.

Because of you. However, my vision was becoming even more cloudy. The calls of my name was becoming more and more faint. My eyelids felt like anvils. It seemed more pleasant if I closed my eyes.

I woke up feeling myself on what felt like a cloud. I couldn't identify my surroundings well and my throat felt scratchy.

I tried moving my head to the side. Thank goodness that worked. Scorpion was on the side of the bed, looking deep in thought.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Scorpion then noticed that I was awake. I noticed his entire demeanor has changed.

"You passed out." He says as if we're strangers. I sat up. That's when I noticed that I was in the room I started in.

"What's wrong?" I asked after I found my voice. I reached out to his hand, but he pull it away as if I had some type of disease. He looked me dead in the eye. His eyes changed. They looked cold and heartless.

I was confused of why he acted this way. "When were you going to tell me?" His words felt like walking over broken glass.

"What are you talking about?" I was afraid and confused. But still, I had a hint of what he was talking about.

His eyes looked darker. "That I am the father of your lost child." Those words. My stomach was tied in a knot and churned very hard. I hurried out of bed to the bathroom and threw up.

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