Chapter Ten

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"What?" He asked again in a demanding tone. "Nevermind. Forget I asked." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He stared at me intensely for a moment, but seemingly gave up. He began to walk again. I bit my lip. That was close.

For what seemed like forever, we arrived at the main dojo. I could see many of the Shirai Ryu training amongst each other. I could feel Scorpion's stare on me. I looked at him. "I can leave." I stated. "No, I have an idea." He told me. I was confused. "Chūi!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and gave their attention to Scorpion. Before they turned their heads to me.

"This is Mileena. She will be helping you all with your training." My eyes grew wide at that statement. I looked at him again. "You will regain your honor." He said to me. I slowly nodded my head before he turned back to the crowd. "She will be the one you fight against once you're ready and if you manage to beat her, you'll fight me." He explained. That seemed to make sense.

I saw Eliot in the crowd of people. He winked at me and I looked away. I saw many of them whispering amongst each other. "Are you sure about this? I won't go easy on them." I warned playfully. "I'm not expecting you to." He replied with his arms crossed. "Don't you think that we should spare to determine who is the best?" I suggested while putting my hands on my hips. "Your arrogance is almost deafening." I stated playfully.

"It's not arrogance, it's fact. I beat you twice, so I can do it again." He replied in a matter of factly way. I rolled my eyes. "That was years ago. I have improved since then." Scorpion sighed. "Fine. You shall see for yourself." Scorpion began to walk to the center of the dojo and I followed.

"Prepare yourself." He told me. I felt all eyes on him and me. This is almost like a tournament match. I smiled and bowed before standing a few feet away from him.

(Fight scene that I don't want to do)

"You're finished." Scorpion say to me in his fighting stance. I noticed he was breathing hard, so I had to be difficult for him to beat. But I on the other hand, was butthurt tired and lying on the ground. Okay. Okay. I get it! Three to zero seems bad. Maybe he is a little stronger than me but just a tiny bit. Scorpion came over to where I was laying. Probably to see if I wasn't dead. He held out a hand for me and I took it. He pulled me up with ease.

"You fought well. But you do need improvement." He stated all sensei like. I just nodded my head. Well I lost in front of his whole clan. Scorpion, then, started to teach his session. I stood away and observed from afar. Like I said, he's a good master. He taught large groups at a time. So while he was teaching one group, the other were supposed to be practicing their techniques. But I guess not all of them do what they are told.

"So you must be Master Hasashi's friend." I looked to my right to see a woman walk up to me. I thought about that. I didn't know what we were. "Something like that. Why?" I asked, suspicious of random people walking up to me. "Oh I would have thought that he would've chosen someone more...presentable." She sneered while looking me up and down. I looked down at myself. She had on the gear that Scorpion have all the women. I did too, but only less of it. I didn't really see anything wrong.

"No he didn't choose me." I realized. I was a little confused. "And what's up with those hideous teeth." Do she want to die? I growled at her. "Run while you still can, mortal." I threatened venomously. These Shirai Ryu are far too brave. She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "Listen up beast. Hanzo's mine, so back off." I scoffed. So the problem here is jealousy.

Why do people always assume we a couple? "Good luck with that." I stated with my hands on my hip. She walked up closer to me. Obviously she wanted to die. "Are you trying to provoke me, bitch?" She asked rudely. I took a step back because her breath was killing. Especially since I have advanced senses.

"I should be the one asking you that. You have no idea what I can do to you. You are very lucky that you are in this clan." I replied with vemon. She scoffed and scowled. For some reason, she started to smile. "Bite me bitch." Her last words before I pounced on her. She was lucky I didn't use my teeth or nails.

I punched her a couple of times before I was pulled away. Whoever it was, got elbowed in the gut and released me. I started lashing at her again and she kept her hands on my hair. Pulling it. Something grabbed me again but this time he held on to me. The familiar warmth caused me to stop struggling. I calmed down, but then I turned my head to look at the person who was holding me back. It was Scorpion and he did not look happy.

Next thing I know me and that girl were both in his office, a good few feet away from each other. I felt like a kid in Outworld school again. "What happened?" Scorpion spoke slowly. I could tell his temper was on the edge. I started to speak, but the bitch interrupted me. "She just pounced on me, trying to eat me." She lied, but it sounded pretty believable.

Scorpion looked at me. "She provoked me." I defended while glaring at her. "Mileena." He said in a warning tone. "Ayana, leave. I must speak to Mileena in private." He commanded, glancing at her but turned back to look at me. Ayana smiled at me evilly and turned around to walk out of the door. Once we were alone, Scorpion walked up in front of me with his arms behind his back.

"You can't just go around attacking my clan members." He argued angrily. That made me furious. I can't believe he actually believed her. I wouldn't attack a person without a purpose. "She provoked me!" I argued back with my fist clenched. "She's in my clan." I scoffed. "It's not my fault she was jealous." I stated with my arms crossed.

"Jealous?" He asked curiously. He was now standing in front of me with a perplexed expression on his face. "She likes you." I stated flatly before dropping my arms to my side. He gave away the fact that he was very surprised. "Oh." Was all he could say. I watched his expression in amusement.

After a short moment of silence, he spoke again. "That still don't explain why she was jealous of you." He said with a risen eyebrow. "Everyone in this clan thinks we have a 'thing'." I say putting my fingers up in quotation.

Scorpion started to stroke his beard softly. It was quite a funny sight. "There is a no romance policy. Why would they think I won't follow it?" He questioned, looking utterly confused. I smiled. "Look at my body and look at you." I blurted out. Scorpion stared at my body for a good 10 seconds.

Then he shook his head. "No. I know how to control myself." So he admitted that I have a good body? I put one hand of my hip. "You do know that they can think whatever they want. Obviously I would think something was going on for some random woman coming into the Shirai Ryu, while the Master is always around her." I replied sarcastically but truthfully.

He stared at me for a moment with an unknown look in his eyes. "Perhaps. But I need a training partner." Wait. What? I was confused. He had just denied it days before, but now? "Why you suddenly change your mind?" I inquired, surprised. "Because you and I need it." He responded while pointing at himself and me. "Why not? It's not like I had an actual choice." I chuckled. Scorpion gave me an intense stare. Something he don't do very often and is now freaking me out.

"What?" I wondered, feeling a little self-conscious. He didn't say a word and took his eyes off me. He walked pass me and out the door. Leaving me utterly confused.

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