Chapter Twenty-Five

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Three months later...

Mileena POV

"Eat." Scorpion demanded. I pouted and looked at the plate of disgusting vegetables.

"No." I grimaced and moved the plate away. I was sure I was going to throw up from eating that stuff.

Scorpion's facial expression turned to something more desperate. "Please, you have to eat healthy for the baby." He begged. I folded my arms up and turned away.

"Not in a million years." I replied. He sighed in exhaustion. "Listen Milly. Do you want you and this baby to be healthy?" He was making me feel guilty. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine."

I picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of one of the vegetables. I grimaced again. "Do you want me to feed it to you?" Scorpion offered. I thought for a moment. Maybe he should. I nodded my head and gave him mine.

He picked up a large piece and put it in my mouth. I slowly started to chew. Hmm, this wasn't that bad...

"More." I say happily and opened my mouth again. He chuckled and started feeding me. For the rest of dinner, he fed me. Then we go wash up with a whole lot of kissing, then we go to our room to sleep.

This was us almost everyday. Scorpion go train people at the Shirai Ryu usually, but sometimes spend the whole day with me. But we always have dinner together. Always. Then we go to sleep together and wake up together.

I was glad that he was with me this time. I felt so in love with him and he accepts me. Mood swings and all.

Scorpion grabbed my hands in his big ones. "You and our child means the world to me." He tells me almost everyday. I chuckled and placed his hands on my large belly. "And you mean the world to us." I responded before kissing his lips softly.

He responded and embraced me. I pulled away as something crossed my mind. "I was thinking about what we are going to name the child. Any ideas?" I asked curiously.

"I was thinking if it was a boy we'll name him after me. I don't know about the girl names." I nodded my head and thought for a moment.

"I recall a certain Earthrealm movie we watched. Where the young lady dressed up as a man to fight in a war instead of her father?" I couldn't put my finger on it.

"You mean Milan?" I chuckled at that because he said her name wrong. "No, Mulan. It's a beautiful name." He nodded his head in agreement.

"I can't wait." I say excitedly. I really missed out on my first born, so I want to make that up with my second one. I can finally take care of my own and with the person I love too! He smiled at me. "Me neither." He responded and kissed my forehead and then my belly. I giggled.

We both walked over to the bed to sleep.

I climbed in under the comfortable sheets carefully and laid on my side. I could feel Scorpion's arms wrap around my belly in a protective manner. I was most definitely at peace, but it didn't really last long.

That night I had a nightmare. One that was extremely terrifying. It made me wake up in the middle of the night, completely shooked.

I turned to my side to see that Scorpion was here. Sleeping peacefully. I was relieved. I moved closer to him. Instantly becoming more comfortable.

However, the image of the nightmare was still buried in my head. I rested my head on his bare chest. Relying on his heartbeat to calm me down.

Soon, I closed my eyes as sleep swept over to me.

I woke up on a hard pilliow. I looked up to see Scorpion still resting. He looked extremely hot with his hair all scattered on the sheet. I noticed that he was warm. Warmer than usual. I touched his forehead. He was burning up!

I got up and grabbed a rag and drenched it with cold water. I put it on his forehead. He started to stir awake. He started to cough. My suspicious were correct.

"Mileena?" He slurred as he looked at me with lazy eyes. "Hm." I responded, rubbing his forehead with the rag. He coughed again in his hand. "Don't get near me. I...I...don't want you to get sick." He says weakly.

I smiled. "I'll do anything for you. What do you want to eat?" I asked and relaxed the rag on his forehead. "I dunno. Nothing." I frowned upon his response. "You have to eat. I can make chicken soup for you. Do you know where Ginger is around here?" I asked. I knew how to take care of sick people because when I was in the Shirai Ryu's infirmary for a check up, I saw one of the doctors tend to ill patient.

He stared at me with an unreadable expression. "You don't have to--do this for me. Just call one of the doctors." He mumbled.

"No. I want to take care of you like you always took care of me." Maybe I was stubborn, but I really want to repay him for all the things he done for me. He sighed weakly. "Okay fine. There is Ginger around the back. B-be careful alright." I smiled happily.

"Thanks. I'll be done with your soup in about 25 minutes." I rushed to the kitchen. Cooking wasn't exactly my best trait, but I was sure that he was going to like it.

I went outside to get some Ginger to put in the soup. I retrieved it and I was almost done. I poured cold water into a glass. I put all the items on a wooden slab and carried it to the room.

Scorpion has fallen back asleep, snoring softly. I placed the contents on the table beside the bed. I shook him him awake. "Wakey. Wakey. Scorpy." He slowly started to wake up.

"I brought you food." I say cheerfully, showing him the soup and water. "Did you eat yet?" He asked. That didn't cross my mind. "I'll eat later. For now, you eat." I took the bowl of chicken soup and fed it to him. After that, he drank the water.

"Now get some rest." I ordered. I didn't even have to say anything because he has already fallen asleep. He just seemed so adorable. I cleaned everything up and started cleaning the house. I really didn't have to but I just wanted to.

In the middle of all that, my stomach started to growl, indicating that I and the baby was hungry. I walked to the kitchen. I really really craved for some Shoyu Ramen and Makizushi(type of sushi). However, only Scorpion can make the best of the best.

Maybe I could try to make it. I watched Scorpion make it one time too. I grabbed all of the ingredients I think I saw him use. After that long and hard disaster, I just decided on just some peaches and cream.

After that, I took a bath, but was really upset that Scorpion wasn't with me. I put on my clothes and walked back into our room.

Scorpion was still asleep on the bed, snoring softly. I really hoped he felt better later.

I walked into the spare room that was close to ours. Now it was was filled with a crib and other baby contents. We didn't know that gender of the child yet, and we were waiting on finding that out after birth, so everything was just pure white and black made into beautiful designs.

I walked over to the crib and touched it softly. I was ready for our child to be born. I can already see the family activities we'll do. That's when my mind shifted over to another thought.

I wish Scorpion would pop the question. I really want marry him and truly become a family. I know he had bad history with family, so I'll just wait until he's ready.

And I'm willing to wait for however long it may be.

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