Chapter Thirteen

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Mileena POV

What was taking them so long? I was sitting on one of the couches, impatiently. Frost was on the other side of the room, death glaring me. I was so confused. What did I do to her?! But I tried to be the polite one and start conversation. "How long have you been in the Lin Kuei?" I asked nicely. She scoffed at me and smirked. "Is that your idea of a conversation starter. I'm amused." She replied sarcastically. I growled at her.

"How long have you been a beast?" She asked slyly. I smiled. "You better watch your tongue, Freeza. You don't want it to get snatched out your mouth." I snapped. She rolled her eyes. "At least I don't look like an alligator." There was no one to hold me back this time. She better be lucky that I didn't have my sais with me. "I really think your brother should have did a better job at keeping your mouth shut." I challenged furiously.

She gritted her teeth at me. "Obviously Hasashi didn't fu*k you enough to keep quiet." She retorted. My face heated up in anger. I've never had sex with him. Well at least not in my imagination.

"Your brother have poor decisions." I muttered loud enough for her to hear. I folded my arms against my chest. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Alright now that was good." She giggled and smiled at me. "I know right. You are great at getting mad at me." I replied happily.

Oh. I didn't mention that we are best friends this whole time. After the Hanzo and Sub-Zero left, we were both mad at each other at first, but ended up bonding. We just pretended to be mad at each other for fun.

"What do you think Hasashi and Mr. Freeze are talking about?" She asked, walking over to the seat beside me. "Who knows? Probably about me. I think Scorpion don't like me very much." I replied. She scoffed. "Right. Right. Whatever you say." She say sarcastically. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I really had no idea. "I can read people's expression and body language pretty quickly. Hasashi's eyes are always on you when you're not looking. He always near you and move in your direction." She answered. Why haven't I notice this?

"But that still don't explain his glares and harsh comments." I denied. She rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Milly." She took a short pause to think. "He's like a crab. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. I've been here long enough to know. Before you came over, he used to always talk about you to my brother." She assured. I was surprised.

"About what?" I asked curiously. She shrugged her shoulders. "They don't invite me to their 'talk and tea session'. However, I did hear your name often. You and Kitana's." She said Kitana's name in a bored way. I was very curious.

"You know Kitana?" I asked, changing the subject. Frost visually rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh. I sure do. Thanks to my brother. Who is infatuated with her." She said boredly. I was surprised. What?! Isn't Kitana married to Liu? Before I could ask another question, Scorpion and Sub-Zero walked in.

Frost hinted toward Scorpion. Sub-Zero was looking at me funny. "What were you two talking about?" I asked curiously, suspicious of their behaviour. Sub-Zero held his hands up in defense. Scorpion turned to look at Sub-Zero. "It was nothing. Just politics and clan stuff." Scorpion answered without meeting eye contact. Something was off.

I narrowed my eyes at them both, but just decided to let it go. There was a long awkward pause. "Well I see that you and Frost bonded." Sub-Zero noted.  Frost and I looked at each other. "Fine. You were right." She admitted to him. Sub-Zero sported a smile. Him and Hanzo were so different from each other.

I looked at Scorpion again and saw that his eyes were already on me. He wore an emotionless face but his eyes showed otherwise. "We're leaving Kuai." He announced, turning to look at Kuai. Already? I pouted, I didn't want to leave Frost. I was bored in the Shirai Ryu. "Why?" I asked desperately. Scorpion turned back to look at me. "Because we have something to do." I was confused. What did he mean?

"What you mean?" I asked. I didn't know that we had something to do. "Training." He answered. I sighed. I'm pretty sure that Frost had to train too. "Alright fine." I rolled my eyes and looked at Frost. "See you later." I waved. She nodded her head. I got up from the couch and walked to Scorpion's side.


"Where are my sais?" I asked Scorpion impatiently. We were both at the dojo that I liked so much. "We're not using weapons today." He say with a blank expression. I frowned. I put my hair in a bun. It has really got longer. I stayed here about a month already. I got into a fighting stance. Scorpion did the same.

"Now." He announced. I ran up to him.

Nobody POV
I have to catch him by surprise. Mileena thought. She, seemingly was going for a punch until she caught Hanzo by surprise and teleported kicked him square in the face. He quickly got up from that. Mileena smirked. "Surprise attack?" He said more than asked. Mileena's overconfidence was a disadvantage when Hanzo was about to punch her. She barely blocked it, however, Hanzo had the upper hand when he grabbed her arm and flipped her over.

She got back up, fustration visible on her face. She bolted towards Hanzo, performing the same move she did with Frost. However when she turned to put him in a headlock, he quickly pulled her off. Mileena got up from the ground. "No more playing around." She dusted off herself and got back into her fighting stance. Hanzo did the same.

The training session was a series of punches and kicks. After it was over, they were both breathless and sweaty. Hanzo walked over to Mileena with a water bottle in his hand. She inspected it skeptically before grabbing it from his hand. "So how well did I do, 'master'?" She mocked. Hanzo looked at her with a serious expression. "Giving that we are almost evenly matched, I think you're fine. I mean your skill level is fine. Not your body." Mileena raised an eyebrow at Hanzo. That was the first time she heard him say something slightly nervously.

Scorpion POV
I sighed and turned around. I can't do what Sub-Zero told me. No matter how tempting. But--its worth to try and talk to her. Maybe she can help me.

I turned back to face her. She was sitting on the ground, in a mediating position. I sat down in front of her, catching her attention. I inhaled sharply. Dammit! Why she had to look at me like that?

"I-." I paused. This was going to get very awkward. She tilted her head a little and smiled. A smile that took my breath away. "I have a problem." I started, searching to find the right words. Her mouth frowned in confusion. "It's just that-." Why did her lips look so inviting.

Suddenly, a branch from a tree snapped above her head. Mileena is a strong girl, but that probably would have hurt her. I couldn't form words in time to tell her, so I grabbed her and rolled from that spot.

The large tree branch fell onto the ground with a loud smack. I was on all fours. Below me--Mileena.

Mileena POV
The sexual tension was tremendously visual. My heart was pounding in my chest, enough that I was sure he could hear. His hands were touching mine sending chills up my spine. This was familiar.

I could feel my face heat up. I couldn't even focus well. What did he just do? I turned my head to the side. There was a large tree branch settled right where I was. Save me again, Hasashi. My actions reacted faster than my brain when I pulled his shirt, brought him closer, and pressed my lips against mine. I really expected him to pull away. Instead, he responded quickly and quite passionately.

I was surprised by this, but let it happen. We kissed for a while until I felt something hard on my upper thigh. That's when he pulled away swiftly. He got up and speed-walked back into the temple.

He left me with many questions and an arousing feeling in my stomach.

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