Taco Bros

22 4 0

Tyler's POV
   I woke up next to Josh on the couch, he was cuddling me and I laughed at how cute he was. He must have heard my small laugh, and he mumbled in his sleep but quickly went quiet again. I made sure to stay quiet since then until he finally woke up. I couldn't tell what time it was, but from the dim lighting outside it looks like it could be around 6 in the morning. I sighed because usually Josh doesn't wake up until 10 or 11 in the morning, so I guess I will be here for awhile. Not that I mind it, but I would like to put some clothes on actually. A blanket and a Josh isn't enough to keep me to warm while I fall asleep. I slowly got up trying not to disturb my lil beauty bean (© -ssourbelts). Once I finally got away without waking him I felt like a ninja. I walked behind the couch to the dresser and slowly opened the bottom drawer. I rummaged through it for a bit and I finally pulled out some random outfit. As I pulled it out something caught the corner of my eye. It was my blades, I quickly picked it up and went to the bathroom with my clothes. I set the razors on the counter and put my boxers on. After that I sat down on the edge of the tub thinking about everything. At that moment I just wanted to do it so I picked up my blade and did a few cuts on my thigh. Not to deep but not like a scratch. I quickly pulled up my black skinny jeans after making about ten cuts. I pulled on my white tank top that had largely cut out sleeves and a black pattern. I slowly walked back in the room even more cautious because I didn't want to wake Josh up especially when I had my razors in my hand. Once again walking up to my dresser and slowly opening the bottom drawer to place my razors underneath some of my clothing. I made my way back over to Josh, who was now cuddling with the blanket. I tried to see if I could wiggle back in the spot where I was before, but I ended up almost falling off the couch. I'm still on it, just barely though. I guess he knew I was there now and he wrapped his arm around me, his hand slightly touching my thigh. I winced at the sudden pain and even jumped a bit. I could feel Josh moving around more. Great, now I woke him up. I tried to stay still even though his hand it still on my thigh slightly and there was a burning type of pain starting to form. I was able to ignore it after I heard a low husky voice coming from Josh, "Hey Tyjo." He said slightly kissing my forehead, but he missed a bit but I guess that's just because he's tired. He laughed realizing that he missed, then he decided to just pull me closer into a snuggle instead. I didn't mind it and I was happy, but then I realized the burning from the cuts were starting to burn more and more. I tried not to make it obvious to Josh because I didn't want him to worry. I looked into his eyes, and I smiled as I did so. He smiled in return and stuck his tongue out at me. I giggled at Josh's face and made a funny face right back at him. The burning was slowly going away, which i'm glad about because i'm not going to tell Josh anything. "So I see we have found ourselves in a battle" I say trying not to laugh. "So we have" he said in a husky voice. I finally got Josh to bust out laughing which meant it was the end of our little battle. As he was laughing he pulled me in tighter which I didn't know was possible and I let out a wince. Josh slowly let go of me "What's wrong babes?" he asked and I felt my whole body freeze up. I didn't want to tell him. I wasn't going to so I made up something believable. "I'm just a little sore from last night" and I saw his face release. I guess it was good enough to believe. He cracked a small smile and I couldn't help but to smile back. Josh went to slowly sit up so I sat up with him. He rubbed my back and then started to get up and head to get him so clothes on even though he did look good the way he was now. He grabbed his clothing and went to the bathroom. I heard him rush back out. "Why is there some blood on the floor Ty?" I didn't know what to say so I just blurted something random out, "When I got up to get my clothes I accidentally cut my hand on the dresser and I didn't notice until I got into the bathroom..?" I said it sort of slowly, and I made it sound like a question almost and I shouldn't have done that because of course Josh wouldn't believe me. "Oh is that so? Show me your hand." He walked over closer to me and I hid under the blanket, not that it would get rid of Josh but maybe he would be nicer? "I-I don't wanna.." I stuttered from under the blanket. "Tyler Robert Joseph, if you cut your damn hand show me it. Otherwise I don't believe you." I never liked to hear Josh this mad, it's almost scary because he doesn't get mad often. I shrunk down into the couch more and I didn't say a word. "Thought so. Why did you do it?" Josh asked sitting down next to me, he didn't take the blanket off me yet so I'm just going to stay under it until he takes it off from over my head. "I.. I just saw them as I was getting my clothes, and I saw the shine of the blade so I grabbed them quickly and went to the bathroom right away just in case you woke up.. I just wanted to be able to do it again." I whispered pretty quickly, then I curled up into a ball under the blanket and let myself sort of flop
over into Josh's lap. He didn't really care that I flopped onto him, and at the same time I guess he wasn't happy enough to care at all what I did to make him less angry. He rested his hands on my head finally after letting out a sigh. When he put his hand on my head and sighed I flinched. I felt horrible I should have just cleaned up better. I should have been able to keep a secret better but I'm a failure. I slowly moved to get up and he put his head in his hands. I then quickly got up and walked out of the room. As I was walked out I heard him say something but I couldn't make out what he said so I kept walking. I walked out the front of the bus after grabbing my wallet and hoodie to hide my face. I knew where I was going to make up everything to Jish. I got to the bus stop and quickly hopped on before the doors shut. I sat down on the first seat and put on my hoodie.

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