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Meerah arrived at a town called Chance Harbor, she went to her uncle's home.

MEERAH( THINKING): So this is Chance Harbor.* She looked around, while she was driving, when she arrived at Dolph's House, her uncle was outside.*

she got out, and went to hug, her uncle.


DOLPH: Oh Meerah, im so glad, to see you.

they broke the hug up, ad Dolph smiled

DOLPH: You look so much like your mother, sorry about her death

MEERAH: Thanks Uncle, its alright, let me get my stuff

DOLPH: I ca help you with that.

when Meerah, and her uncle took the stuff to her mother's room, she walk slowly, looking around.

MEERAH: So this is my mother's room?

DOLPH: Yeah, it is, she ever came back, after she left, i decided to have our family house, its pretty big, really so dinner will be ready soon, so you just settle in and look around you might find something interesting.

MEERAH: Okay thanks, Uncle

DOLPH: No problem* He left, the room*

Meerah, walked and check her mother's childhood bedroom, it was pretty interesting, she look at the window next door, and saw someone there, he skin color was dark, he was tall, he have a muscular yet lean figure, he was shirtless, doesn't matter of showing his abs, he look at her, as she look back.

MEERAH( THINKING): Who are you?

she went back to unpacking, when the guy's staring grew her uncomfortable.

at the kitchen, Dolph, was looking hoping.

DOLPH: Shes just like her mother, but also shes her father's child.

???: D.

Dolph turn to the source of the voice ad it was Jet Li.

DOLPH: Jet what are you doing here?

JET: Just seeing if your niece came.

DOLPH: Yes, shes here

JET: Remember, they want her power that she have within her

DOLPH: She doesn't know, that her dad came from the Blackwell line.

JET: John Blackwell

DOLPH: Yeah, when she does, find out, we need to help her with the darkness she have.....

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