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I just got offered a match against Chris Brown. I was looking at the sky, with a serious expression.

Ray and the rest of the circle came.

Ray: Dolph why are you here?

Me: huh? Oh, I was just passing by, til Mr.Brown came and we talked

Meerah: uncle, what stuffs did you two talked about?

Me: just normal things

Roc: normal things like a match begin offered?

Me: you guys can come if you want to

Prince: we might

Me: okay,

Ray: so, Dolph are you gonna come with us to the party?

Me: nah, I'm gonna be with the others

Roc: meeting with the elders?

Me: you can say that

J: okay

Me: you guys can have fun without me

Tiff: you sure?

Me: I'm sure

Meerah: uncle?

Me: meerah sweetheart have fun in the party I'll be fine

Meerah: okay

Me: Ray, take care of her

Ray: I will

Me: well, I gotta go so bye guys

Everyone: bye

I left to where my friends are at. Also going to train for the offered match.......

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