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Meerah, went down to eat, she got ready for her day in the new high school. her uncle was drinking coffee.

MEERAH: Hey, uncle

DOLPH: Huh? oh hey, Meerah you ready for your day in the ew school?

MEERAH: Yeah, im ready, did you?

DOLPH: yes, yes i did.


DOLPH: Im going out for awhile, with some friends, are you gonna be okay, im just out for the first part of the day.

MEERAH: yes, uncle* she walks to D. and hug him, Dolph use his free had to hug her*

when they broke the hug up, she smiled.

MEERAH: Well, gotta go uncle be careful, where you going

DOLPH: I will, now go, you don't wanna be late for a class right?

Meerah smiled, and nodded, she left, her uncle alone now.

DOLPH: * Sighs* Just like my sister * Drinks the coffee*

Meerah, went to the car, enter and drove to the high school, she was lucky she got on time. when she got what she need, she wet to her locker. at the other side, the same guy was putting some books away.

???: Roc

ROC: yeah, Ray

Rayan Lopez or Ray Ray is one of the hottest guys i school, but hes already taken, next to him, was another man age 19, he wears a beanie, a scarf over his leather jacket, he also have a white shirt with sayings in the middle, wearing cargo pants with a belt that punks, emo, or goths use, with bindings on his torso, and waist and his ankles with his steal toe boots.

RAY: did the new girl came?

ROC: Yes, she just enter a few hours ago

???: I can sense some witch energy of her

RAY: What do you mean, J. you mean that she is the final one from the circle?

J.REYEZ: Yes, i believe so.

ROC: Lets just see if your right J.

J.REYEZ: Hope im right, we need the last witch to complete the circle even to bind it.

RAY: Yeah, Diane told me about it from her book of shadows....

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