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The circle was captured, the group of witch hunters got them into a fish outhouse. The woke up they have a robe on them tied up, they were in a circle, again underneath was the same black sand they use on Dolph and other witches.

Luke: very good, now its time

Leader: Luke you know what to do

Luke: yes

Meerah: why are you doing this for?

Meerah was trying to break free

Luke: Witches are evil, every single one

Se'Harris: Are you nuts, not every single one

Luke: yes

Luke had the same type of jar the figure use on Meerah's uncle, and another use on another witch.

He walked behind Se'Harris and about to dropped the match

Meerah clench her hand, tears were slinetly falling, she was getting mad,

Meerah: * screams*

Luke: * jar breaks* what the?

Luke was about to do the same with Ray, Oyama, and Zoe, but meerah stopped him

Leader: who is she?

Luke:* about to do the same to Ray*

Meerah: Leave......us....ALONE!!!!!

Luke: huh?* got set on fire* agh!!!!!!!

The witch hunters left, leaving Luke burning to death, they broke free, when they were fire away.

ROC: what was that?

Ray: yeah

meerah: I don't know

The circle went back to the elders, they survived again, thanks to Meerah's mysterious powers from another bloodline.....

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