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Sylv. And I had a conversation about the curse on the hospital, days passed when my wounds were healed good enough for me to get out of the hospital, Jackie and me kept in contact she was actually a very good friend to have. We were at our home in Sweden in a secret place I sense both my niece and Ray close.

Keisha: so what are we gonna do?

Craig sr: Dolph did you even saw anything any facial features of who attacked you?

Me: I kinda of see the figures eyes and hair, I also sense something else, an energy powerful.

Phoenix: really?

Me: yeah

Sylv: I see, but were you NUT!?! You were about to use the suicidal move from your bloodline!

Me: I was about to do it, it was the only thing to do at that time

Sylv: the only thing! Really!!

Me: I thought of doing it

Seike: did you ever thought of your niece?

Me: I did, when I thought of orphaning her it kills me inside

Yohio: and the curse, two of our bloodlines are curse

Me: I know, we know what the curse does to the person closest to the person that is curse

Corro: we know, but Meerah's power, they want her

Me: yeah

I look down, sad

Me: they want to get close to her to get her, and I'm one of the closest persons to her, I sense I'm gonna be possed

They look at me

Me: she's the one that needs to kill me

Sylv: Dolph.....

Me: if im able to break their control I'm gonna sacrifice myself by using the dead demon consuming seal

Seike: you don't have to do it

Me: I'll do it, seike, besides John Hawkeye is the one who curse two of our bloodlines

Yohio: yeah

They look at the door, Meerah was standing there, I look at it i gasped

Meerah: why, you could of told us, that you wanted to die by my hand!!!!

Me: Meerah....

Meerah was crying she run to her room, I run following her with Ray following suit.when we got to the hallway I knock on the door.

Me: Meerah sweetheart open the door

Meerah: no!! I only want ray , why you didn't tell me!!!

Me: please, I can explain

Ray came up to me and knock on meerah's door

Ray: babe, please, let your uncle explain

Meerah: ray...no

Ray sighed and turn to look at me

*~ RAY'S POV~*

Me: Dolph tell me , why...

Dolph: Ray you know of the witch hunters, were trying to protect you, from them til you guys can learn how to control your powers

Me: and we did

Dolph: and they want Meerah, her father John Hawkeye was corrupted by darkness , we were afraid if she get corrupted

His eyes were in pain, and I looked at his body, he has bandages on his torso and right arm.

Me: no she will not be corrupted

Dolph: I know she would not

Dolph: but, I feel that I fail, her, my sister, her and myself

Me: no you didn't fail, she doesn't want you gone

Dolph:* looks down*

Me: Dolph, I love everything about her, you hear me everything, her personality, her sense of style, her chubby cheeks, her awesome body, her smarts, I love everything I'm gonna protect her

Dolph was looking down, his eyes in pain, there were tears in his eyes.

Dolph: I know, Ray, can you promise me something

Ray: what is it?

Dolph: if I die, can you protect her

Ray: yes, but I'll protect her anyway, but your not gonna die

Dolph: I hope so

He started to leave

Dolph: I hope your right cause....

Me: Cause what?


I heard their conversation, I heard my uncle gasped and I heard him lean against a wall, almost lose his balance.

Dolph: one of your circle or the elders are going to die

Then I heard his footsteps, leave

Me( whispering): not in my watch

I snuck out of my room and follow my uncle, it was pretty chilly at the afternoon, I saw him sitting on a bench all alone.

Why is he doing there?....

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