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Meerah was walking, she couldn't believe what they said, She's a witch from both sides mom's and dad's. She bump into a man.

???: oh sorry

MEERAH: its alright

???: are you, in any relation with Anna Lundgren?

MEERAH: yeah, she's my mother

???: I'm so sorry, to here that, names Jack

MEERAH: its alright, Luna Lundgren but you may call me Meerah* they did a handshake*

she didn't know, that Jack was the one who killed her mother, she heard another voice.

ZOE: hey Meerah, oh you met my dad

MEERAH: yeah is did.

ZOE: there's a party going on in the boathouse, you wanna come?

MEERAH: sure

JACK: I'll be there later

ZOE: okay dad

Zoe and Meerah run, to the party, Jack went to find Ty his partner in crime.

When he found her, she was at her home.

TY: hey Jack

JACK: hey

TY: good job killing, Anna

JACK: yeah, so Meerah she have her mother's powers from the Lundgren bloodline

TY: but don't forget, she's also her father's child

JACK: are we gonna have Meerah do what we need?

TY: The Circle will take care of that without even knowing it.

They smile to each other.


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