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We were at the hospital, for my uncle the nurse came .

NURSE: Meerah Lundgren

Me: that's me

I went to the nurse, the others were behind me

Nurse: your uncle is alright, he just have bruises all over his body, a broken forearm, almost all his ribs are broken, a broken left leg

Me: got it can you show us where he is?

Nurse: sure , follow me

We follow the nurse to where my uncle was .

When we enter the room, my uncle was bandage all over, he was plugged to machines for a little while.


I saw them coming in, I sat up on the bed but it hurt so much I had to put a hand on my side.

Sylv: D. Why did you do it?

Me: Chris Brown offered it and I took it Sylv.

Roc: why?

Me: I just did, and want to just get it over with

Ray: you know you didn't have to

I look down, with a sad expression

Me: I...I know

Meerah: uncle , you...you almost died right in front of us

I was listening to them the sadness of their voices

Prince: did you wanted to orphan meerah? Did you want to leave the people that you cared about?

Me: no...

Prod: then why did you do it?

I looked at them , their eyes went wide at what they saw within my eyes

Me: I...just...


I was surprised, I saw my niece crying her heart out then she run out of the room.


Ray went after her, I was getting to my feet to go too, luckily the one machine I need was mobile and I could support myself with it.


I run to meerah, I heard my love crying, yes I broke up with Zoey and we maintain to be good friends.

Meerah: ray..

Me: meerah let your uncle explain

Meerah: I just.....don't want him gone

???: Meerah....

We turn to look, and Meerah's uncle was there, he was supporting himself with the wall and the machine he needs.

Meerah: uncle, I don't want you gone, I don't want you dead

Dolph: I know, but......I just had to do it , and now I'm regretting my chose

Me: you better

Both of them reconcile, a beautiful sight to see.

Dolph: I'll stay for a while here to heal my wounds so I can get out

Me: okay, well visit you from time to time

Dolph: thanks

Me: no problem


A dark cloaked figure was there. Wind was playing with the figures cloak and clothes

????: time has come


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