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ME: what are we gonna do!?

We watched as my uncle,s body was convulsing, in agonizing pain. Markings appear on his body, when he open his mouth, we heard a soul breaking scream coming from him. Tears were running down my eyes.

We heard Ray running upstairs to us.

RAY: what's going on?

ME: my uncle , he has some kind of posion within him, seems something else

RAY: oh no!* he walks next to Jet Li*

ME: Jet do you got something, what should we do to save my uncle

He look at us, then back at my uncle.

JET: you two, are the only ones who can save him, something is within Dolph you two are the only ones who can save him.

RAY: Jet....

ME: let's do this

I felt Ray's gaze on me, as well as Jet's.

JET: very well then, you guys need to stand on opposite sides of the bed.

We did, the bed was at the middle of the room, we see my uncle in pain.

DOLPH( WEAKLY): help.....me....

Tears were running down my eyes

JET: you guys ready?

BOTH: yes,

JET: put your hands over D.'s heart, and start chanting in ancient language, when your hands touch each other you will feel a connection begin form with you two and with Dolph .

RAY: okay

ME: alright

My uncle was still in pain, he was screaming

We did what Jet told us to do. We felt our connection, and we started chanting in ancient language we felt our eyes glow, a white, and silver color, my uncle's eyes started to glow the same way, the markings started to disappear, his breathing slowly return to normal, we felt a great evil, disappeared, but not completely out of him. When were done, we took our deep breath.

JET: it works

RAY: agreed

ME: yeah

JET: D. Needs to rest, I'll let you guys know, when he awakes.


ME: okay

MEERAH: we understand

Meerah left the room, but not without seeing her uncle's unconscious form, I grew kinda of curious, so I went after her..........

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