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The circle went to a friend's house to the late Valentine's day party. They were having fun, Prodigy and Princeton were having a dance contest vs each other.

ROC: that is cool

MEERAH: agreed

RAY: Prince needs to admit defeat

J: well, he will not , still his good

TIFF: yeah

ROC:how about I scare him

MEERAH: do it

ROC: I will

Roc Royal went slowly behind Princeton and scared the life out of him

PRINCE: * screams, falls on his butt* uncool Roc

ROC:* laughs*

Everyone laughed, and went to have fun, Ray looked at the window.

RAY: hey Meerah

MEERAH: yeah?

RAY: is that your uncle right there with Mr. brown?

They look and saw Meerah's uncle talking to Chris Brown .

MEERAH: yeah.

RAY: want to see what their talking about?

MEERAH: of course


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