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The Circle and the elders are having fun, Cece and Janea are playing just dance with Oyama, Jay, Stacy, and the others.

Eminem: come on babe you can do it

Stacy: I'm wining!

While the circle was having fun, Sylvester got a call from the hospital.

Sylv: I will be back guys

Seike: okay

Sylvester went to the kitchen and answers the phone:

*~Phone Conversation ~*

Sylv: hello,

Nurse:is this Sylvester Stallone

Sylv: yes, what is it?

Nurse: your friend, Dolph Lundgren is in critical condition

Sylv: is he okay?!* looks at the others*

Nurse: his in really bad shape, he got run over by 5 cars two of them were a trucks

Sylv: no, his he stable?!

Nurse: yes, he is, you, his niece and your friends can come to see him

Sylv: we will thanks ,

Nurse: no problem

*~ Phone Conversation ends~*

Sylvester came out of the kitchen with a worried look on his face.

Oyama: Sylvester what's wrong?

Sylv: Oyama, guys, *sighs* its Dolph

Meerah: what's wrong, what's happen?!

Sylv: his in critical condition, between life and death, he has broken ribs, broken right arm and left leg, bleeding internally

Everyone: * stands out suddenly* what?!

A video came and it was of the vlog video Dolph did and it passed til someone's video appear then the breaking news.

*~ Breaking News~*

Anchorwoman: breaking news, there was an accident:

The video appeared:

Anchorwoman: there was an actor that got caught sources say its : Dolph Lundgren .

When the news finished

Tiff: let's go to the hospital

The rest agreed, and they went.

At the hospital, they were at the waiting room, a nurse appear, she appears to be athealetic her color was brunet tied into a ponytail , also she is 22 years old.

Nurse: Meerah Lundgren

Meerah:* stands up* I'm here

Nurse: come follow me, your uncle is awake.

When they went to the room, Meerah gasped, her uncle was plugged into machine, one to keep his heart in check.

When the day passed, the others days were good.

Dolph: so you guys saw what happen

Ray: yeah we did

Sylv: you were nuts about to do the suicidal move

Dolph: I did

Ray: Sylv. And I will come back later, an alone time

Dolph: thanks

Ray: no prb

Sylvester and ray left,

Meerah: uncle , who it is?

Dolph: I don't know, but I felt someone disgues his energy like Chris Brown

Meerah: really?

Dolph: yeah,

Nurse: Mr. Lundgren did you need anything?

Dolph: no thank you ma'am

Nurse: okay, * looks at meerah* hello there I'm Jackie I'm your uncle's nurse on his stay here

Meerah: nice to meet you Jackie I'm Meerah Lundgren ,

Jackie: beautiful name

Both Meerah and Jackie did a handshake*

When they talked a little, Jackie left,

Meerah: she's just to nice

Dolph: she is, we had a conversation too

Meerah: what you guys talked about

Dolph: normal stuff

Meerah: you sure?

Dolph: yes,

Meerah: I hope so

Dolph: yeah* looks down sad*

Meerah: uncle why did you do it?

Dolph: I...I just thought of it

Meerah: you thought of dying how could you?

Dolph:* body started to shake* I'm so ....I'm sorry

Meerah: uncle, I don't want anything happen to you

Dolph: Meerah, ...

Dolph( body shaking, the machine beeping fast): I just ...* sobbing openly* I just don't want to lose you meerah

Meerah: uncle clam down *goes to him and hugs him* I know, and not just me hehehehehe

Dolph hugged his niece after, he looked serious for a second then smiled

Dolph: I see

Meerah: I don't know how to tell ray though

Dolph: when your ready

Sylv: * comes* hey

Both: hey

Sylv: Meerah can I speak to your uncle alone?

Meerah: sure, I'll go to the others

Dolph: very well, sweetheart, bye

meerah: bye uncle* hugs him*

Dolph: * hugs back*

Meerah:* about to leave* see ya later sylv.

Sylv: likewise

Meerah: * leaves*

Sylv: * looks at where Meerah left* you didn't tell them of the curse did you?......

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