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Days passed slowly, one of our own was dead, a friend, I was walking in a park, I was uploading videos in YouTube, I was making a blog. On it.

It was an attack I avoid it, but let go of the camera.

???: so you know

Me: you

A cloaked figure was standing in front of me, wind was playing with his cloak and clothes, and by the looks of it his long hair.

???: Lundgren Bloodline elder is time for your death

Me: in your dreams

???: very well

We fought, I was caught off guard ten times and injured severally five. I felt my right leg broken.

Me: ngh!

I fell to the floor, the figure was walking to me, then he did a move I felt my left extended then he touch his elbow and I felt my left arm to break.

Me: agh!

???: well, then shall we continue then?

Me:* whispers* shit, what im gonna do?

We continue to fight, when I landed on one knee, I sense something strange.

???: Chris Brown didn't kill you so I will, and we all know one way to kill a witch

He took out a small jar, with some kind of oil, a piece of hair of mine and my necklace.

Me: no!!!

???: and another thing, I also surrounded you with black sand

Me: shit

I look around, there making a circle around me was black sand, then it got lit and I scream in agonizing pain. I felt the fire burning right through me, right through my core, while it was happening I saw the figure getting a lit match to drop it on the small jar, and he did.

Me: agh!!!!!!!!

My body felt excruciating pain, blood started to appear more as tears running down my cheeks but more, my eyes became red, the markings started to sting as well.

So much pain, so much excruciating pain. Then I did the forbidden move, I summon the grim reaper I felt it connecting to me.

????: The Dead Demon Consuming Seal?!

Me: yeah, now, it's your turn to feel like this

I felt the grim reapers arm go right through me that caused me to gasp and went right through the figure that made him drop the small jar.

It went fast, this, then I just got knocked out, I felt someone else throw me to a busy street. I got hit by a truck, then a car then another, that broke my body even more.

I was left for dead ........

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