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When Meerah, was putting away her stuff, two girls came to her.

???: hi, I'm Cece, and this is Jae


CECE: begin the new girl sometimes is tough, but anyway, come to the boathouse, after school , you will meet some pretty cool people there

MEERAH: I'll remember that thanks

CECE: no problem


Her uncle was walking along the body of the river.

???: Dolph

Dolph turn to look at the source of the voice and it was his friend Sylvester Stallone.

DOLPH: Sylv.

SYLV: does your niece know?

DOLPH: no she doesn't, Sylv. Even if she does she will take after my sister

SYLV: she needs to, or she will become like her father, John Blackwell

DOLPH: she's not like the rest of us, the darkness, the demons will come to get her

SYLV: don't forget witch hunters

DOLPH: she will defeat the darkness within I just know it Sylv. She takes after my sister.

SYLV: hope she will


Meerah enter, the boathouse, every people in the school is there, she saw a man, leaning against the counter ans drinking beer, she went to him.

MEERAH: heya

???: hi

MEERAH: how are you?

???: I'm fine, and you?

MEERAH: I'm fine also

???: what's your name?

MEERAH: Luna Lundgren but you can call me Meerah

???: George Lopez but my real name is Daniel , nice to meet you, * they shake hands* any relation with Anna & Dolph Lundgren?

MEERAH: their are my mother and uncle.

GEORGE: sorry about your mom's death

MEERAH: its nothing

GEORGE: her and I were meant to be together

???: dad!

they turn to see a man, tall, have lean figure, his skin was dark but not much like his father , he was using braids, and was wearing a mixture of causal and punk clothes.


???: oh I'm so sorry, Ray an Lopez, or Ray Ray nice to meet you my friend

MEERAH: likewise


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