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When meerah was asleep she had a dream quickly.

" no...uncle no!"

" please, help me"

" were gonna help you uncle"

" please!" She heard her uncle scream in agony.

Meerah woke up with a start she was taking a nap on the sofa. She saw her uncle talking with Ray and the others.

Ray: hey love your awake.

Meerah: yeah,

Dolph look at his niece with concern for a little while.

Meerah: I just had a bad dream

Daddy Yankee: bad vision?

Meerah: yeah

Roc: you can tell when your ready

Meerah: thanks

Roc: no problem

When the day went great, meerah came to her uncle

Dolph: what is it meerah?

Meerah: uncle, the vision I had is of a

Dolph: a demon possession?

Meerah: yeah, but....I heard your voice in pain seems

Dolph look distant for a minute, he knows what his niece invision.

Dolph: I see, sweetheart have fun, thanks for telling me

Meerah: uncle?

Dolph: its fine, meerah have fun

Meerah's uncle smiled at her, she smiled back and went to where the others are at.

Dolph( thinking):< demon possession, its starting>


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