Stuck in the Middle

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Ming was on his way to his car, when he was stopped by a very beautiful girl. "Sawasdee nong, are you Ming?" She inquired. Ming looked at her from head to toe, she really was a very beautiful young woman. 'Wow, she's hot, and that body Damn' he thought to himself. "Yes I am, what can I do for you P'?"

"Ohh! This is great I've heard so much about you. Everyone has been saying how handsome you are. I just had to see with my own eyes." She looked at him with eyes full of lust. "My name is Kim, and I was wondering if you would like to have the pleasure of going out with me?" Ming didn't have to think for a second.

"I'm sorry P'Kim, but I already have someone in my heart." The big smile that Kim had on her face faded away for a brief moment, but just as fast. She had the same big confident smile once again. "N'Ming I have asked around, and everyone that I've asked; have told me that you are not attached to anyone." She looked at him through squinting eyes. "Everyone said that they have never seen you with any girl, only with N'Yo, last years moon Phana, and his friends.

"Yes, P'Kim. They may have never seen me with anyone, but that does not mean that I do not already have someone in my heart." 'P'Kit is not mine... Yet that is' Ming mumbled to himself. Kim was not happy when she heard that. Someone as beautiful as her was not use to being rejected. "N'Ming look how beautiful I am, look at my amazing body. You cannot tell me that you do not want to be with me?" She said running her hand over her amazing body.

"Yes P'Kim, I am not saying that you are not a very beautiful woman. But, I don't have feelings for you." Kim looked over Ming's shoulder and then back looked back too his face. For the first time Ming could see that there was hesitation showing in Kim's eyes. Then out of no where she grabbed his face, and started kissing him. Ming froze, he definitely was not expecting to be kissed by this girl. Before he could process what was happening, he was being pulled back by someone. Then just as fast, he was punched in the face. Ming staggered and fell backwards.

"Damn what the hell is going on here?" No sooner had he hit the ground, was he being pounced on by a guy that was no less than 189cm and had to be at least 100kg. The latter tried to land another punch to Ming's face; but what he did not know was that Ming is a top Muay Thai fighter. Ming maybe skinny, but when he is pushed. He is a force to be reckoned with.

Ming flipped the script, and before the guy know it. He was flat on his ass. Kim's eyes widen when she saw what was happening. She ran over to them and started yelling and hitting Ming telling him to stop; and how all of this was her fault. Ming got up, and all he said was "explaining now!" Kim ran over to the guy on the ground and tried to help him up. When she knew for sure that he was not seriously injured, she looked up at Ming sheepishly and started talking.

"I'm really so sorry, I didn't think that all of this was going to happen." She turned to the guy. "This is my boyfriend Ohm" Kim said pointing to the guy who now had a name. "You never pay attention to me anymore. I didn't know what else to do, to make you remember that I'm here Ohm." Ming was even more confused, "What..." Kim looked at Ming. "I am very sorry to have gotten you involved N'Ming, I just did not know what to do anymore. I really didn't think that he was going to punch you." Ohm finally started talking. "Kim what the hell do you mean? "you didn't think that I was going to punch him?" " why would I not be pissed off? I come out here, and see a guy all over my girlfriend! What the hell do you think I was going to do?"

Kim started crying. "Well you never even look at me anymore, you always blow me off to hang out with your friends." Ming just looked on with his mouth open. 'Your telling me that I got punched  in the face for this shit?"  "I am so glad that P'Kit was not around to see this girl all over me. What would he think my intentions are with him?" Ming said under his breath.

"If you want me to spend more time with me, all you have to do was ask me baby." Ohm said holding Kim's hands. "I have been asking Ohm. But you spend so much time with your dumb friends playing video games, and going out. It is like you have forgot that I am your girlfriend, and that I need attention too." Kim said with tears running down her face. "If I had known kissing someone else was going to get your attention I would have done it a lot sooner."

"Well," Ming said. "When ever you do this again, leave me out of it." Kim and Ohm turned to Ming having forgotten that he was even there. Kim started talking first. "N'Ming, I am really sorry for dragging you into our problems. I just did not know what to do, maybe I should have just asked you for your help, instead of forcing myself on you." "And I'm sorry for punching you." Ohm said while rubbing the back of his knack, Ming could see a tint of pink in his cheeks. "You sure did nock me flat on my ass, that shit is embarrassing. If you tell anyone, I will deny it 110%." Ohm said smiling sheepishly.

"Nong, I am also very sorry to have wronged you and your lover. Who ever they maybe. You are right, just because we do not see you walking openly around holding hands; and sticking your tongue down each other's throws. Does not mean that your hearts do not belong to each other" Ming looked at Kim with no resentment towards her. He too know what it feels like to be so in love with someone, and not having your feelings reciprocated.

"P'Kim, P'Ohm. it's ok, I'm happy that you guys were able to reconcile with each other. Hahaha I'm just really happy that I wasn't punched in the face for no reason." Ming said while laughing. "Well I got to go guys, I have to get to lunch. I told Yo that I would meet him at the cafeteria." Ming said as he started walking backwards to get to his car, before something else could happen. Kim and Ohm waved at Ming, wishing him the best of luck to him and his secret lover.

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