Ming and Yo (Part 2)

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Continuation (part 2)

"You know my friend, if someone had told me, a few months ago that my best friend of so many years. Mingkawn was going to fall head over heels for some guy, I would have said that they were lying. But here we are in the present, and here you are "stalking" P'Kit's "a guys" Facebook and IG accounts. I never thought I would live to see the day."

"Ok Yo, you don't have to be so dramatic. It's not like I applied to a university just because I was head over heels for a guy. Like someone I know" Ming said crossing his hand over his chest, smiling at Yo.

"Yes. Your right, I did follow P'Pha to this university. But I have always been attracted to him. A guy, you on the other hand. Have always looked at girls with killer bodies and big boobs, just like P'Beam. Now look at you, swooning all over P'Kit."

"What's going to happen next. Is P'Beam some how going to fall madly in love with P'Forth?"

"Hahahaha!! Yeah right Yo. That would be the day, are you crazy Yo?" Ming said doubling over in laughter.
"Ohh speaking of crazy. That is also the reason why I was so late to meet up with you for lunch. Do you know a senior name P'Kim?" Yo though for a moment.

"Yea, she's a... 3rd year science major. She came up to me yesterday, asking how i was liking this university. Then she saw some guy, who must have been her boyfriend or something. Because she ran after him, yelling something about canceling on her again. I don't really know? I wasn't really paying attention to them."

"If she said he canceled on her, it must be her and her boyfriend P'Ohm." Ming started to explain all that happened to him just before he was to meet up with Yo.

"Wait What!! He punched you?"

"Yes, right here" Ming said pointing to his jaw, that was slightly red.

"Man I feel bad for his poor hand. Didn't he know that your head is as dense as they come? Definitely can't be hit with nothing less than a steel pipe." Yo said bursting into laughter.

"It's not funny Yo, he could have damaged my handsome face." Ming said with a pout.

"Oh what ev--" Yo's phone went off while he was talking.

"Hold on Ming, It's P'Pha."

"Sawasdee P'"
"Yes, I'm done."
"Hmm. Yes it was good, Ming bought me nom yen too." Yo said with a smile on his face.
"Yes he came... hmm I already told him not to make me wait again."
"You don't have to come. I can ask Ming..."
"Ohh, your here already? Ok P', I'll come to the front"

Yo hung up his phone. "P'Pha is here, he came to take me to my next class"

"Yo, you know that I could have brought you to your next class right." Ming said, as they walked to the front.

Pha was standing next to his car waiting

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Pha was standing next to his car waiting. When he saw Yo, his face light up. He met them half way, and took Yo's bag pack

"P'Pha, you know I could have dropped Yo off, you didn't have to come all the way here from the medical facility."

"I don't mind Ming. I love picking Yo up, it makes me happy." Pha said, putting his hand over Yo's shoulder, and pecking his cheek. Yo blushed, and pushed him away.

"P'Pha don't do that. Someone might see."

"So? let them." Pha said with a smirk on his face.

Ming coughed, to remind them that he was still there. Yo's cheeks light up to an even brighter shade of red. "Sorry Ming"

"It's cool, anyway. P' how is P'Kit doing? I texted him but he does not reply to any of my messages." 'I thought that we were pass the whole him not texting me back phase.' Ming said to himself.

"Kit was fine this morning. But just now, when I saw him before coming here . He looked really pissed off. I asked him what was making his face so long, but he didn't answer me."

"Awww I hope my P' is ok."

"I don't know, he's been so moody lately. I can't keep up with him."

"But anyway. I need to get Yo to his class, and I need to get to my own. Yo are you ready?" Pha said looking down lovingly at the younger boy. Yo who was still blushing looking up and said yes.

"Ohh ok P'... please say hi to P'Kit for me when you see him. Yo I'll text you later."

"Ok my friend. Make sure you get to your next class on time." Yo said waving to him. Ming watch as they got in to Pha's car, and drove away.

"One day that will me be and my P'Kit." Ming said admiring the two men in the moving car.

Ming went to his car, but before you drove off, he got his phone out to text Kit.

Hello P'Kit. How was your last class love? I was really hoping that I would get to see you today😔

Hope you do great in your next classes
Su Su💙❤️

Ming drive to the engineering facility, before he got out of his car. He took his phone out to see if Kit had text him back.

P'Kit, why won't you reply to any of my messages?😭😥

Hope I get to talk to you later P'Kit😔💙

Ming put his phone in his pocket, and went to his next class with a very heavy heart.


And we are done with part 2.😁
Let's hope that Ming's luck turn around soon.

I hope you guys like this one. It was way too long to make in to one chapter.

Remember if you like this story. Please click that ⭐️ and leave me some comments

Thanks for reading

PS. Don't text and drive

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now