Meet me half way...

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'Well I didn't think that I would be doing this so soon either.'

Ming, smiled as he moved closer to Kit. 'Please don't push me away my KitKat, I don't think my heart can take it anymore.' He thought to himself

Even though he looked calm on the outside, that was not the case in his head. Kit was having a war with his own thoughts. 'Oh man, is he going to kiss me. What should I do? Should I turn away? But what will he think if I did that? Or should I just let it happen? Ohh god, here he comes.'

Ming brought his face closer and closer to Kit's. They were just a few centimeters away, when he stopped and just looked at Kit. 'Please meet me half way my love.' He said to himself.

'Why did he stop? Did he change his mind? Oh no, what if he doesn't want to kiss me anymore? What do I do now?' Kit looked deeply into Ming's smiling eyes, and then he closed his eyes; as he closed the gap that was between them, and slammed his lips into Ming's.

Ming's eyes shot open, not believing what was happening. 'Oh my GOD!! He did it. He came to me, OH MY GOD. I am kissing my KitKat, and the best part is, he is kissing me back.'

Ming stopped thinking, and started to return the kiss. Ming brought his hand up to kits head, and pulled him in, in hopes that he could deepen the kiss. There lips molded into each other, it was as if their lips were made for each other. The moves in perfect harmony, into a passionate kiss. Ming sucked and bit onto Kit's lips, Kit let him do as he pleases; as he tried to fight back the moans that were itching to break free from his mouth. Ming slide his tongue across Kit's bottom lip asking for permission to enter his mouth, To which Kit granted. The instant that Ming's tongue touched Kit's, Kit let out the moans that he was trying so hard to holding onto. Their tongues did a beautiful dance, as each boy tried to fight for dominance.

Ming slide his hand through Kit's hair, gripping it ever so slightly. Kit let his hands roam over Ming's back, bring him a little closer to himself. Neither Ming nor Kit wanted to brake the kiss. Even though both were running out of air. Kit was the first one to pull away. But as he did, Ming brought his lips back onto his, not wanting the kiss to be over so soon.

Knowing that Kit needs to take in air, Ming broke the kiss again. He moved down to Kit's jaw line leaving a trail of butterfly kisses as he made his way to Kit's awaiting neck. Kit tilted his head, giving Ming better access to his neck. Ming kissed Kit's Adam's apple and then the beautiful flesh all over his neck. Ming started to suck onto said flesh, Kit's eyes opened in realization of what Ming was trying to do.

"Don't... don't do that Ming, your going to leave a mark." He said softly.

"I know baby," Ming said with his lips still on Kit's skin, as he spoke. His breath send shivers up Kit's spin. "That's what I am trying to do. I want to mark you, so that everyone will know that you belong to me." With that said, Ming started to suck onto Kit's neck again.

"Ming I should be the one who marks you, with all of your little fan clubs." Kit said, as he pulled Ming from his neck. Ming looked at him with a smirk on his lips.

"Your absolutely right my love, you should be the one marking me." Having said that. Ming moved closer to Kit, and turned his head so that Kit will have better access to his neck. "Go on baby, let everyone know that I belong to you."

Kit flushed red, as he looked at Ming's beautiful slickly skin, that is just begging to me marked. Kit gulped as he ran his index finger over Ming's skin. "Don't tease me Kit." Ming said letting out a breath.

Kit took a look at Ming's smiling face, then back to his neck. Without any further hesitation, he brought his lips onto Ming's warm skin. Kit kissed Ming's neck, then he opened his mouth; and started to suck on Ming's flesh. Ming let out a groan as he felt Kit's tongue sliding against his skin. Kit could feel the vibration under his lips. After a few minutes, Kit pulled back and surveyed his work. Ming turned his face to Kit's, when he looked at Kit's swollen lips, he could see a very prominent smile on them.

"Ohh so you like marking me ugh." Ming said, as he brought his lips back onto Kit's.

"Yes I do." Kit said, breaking their kiss.

Ming brought him into his arms. "I love you my KitKat."

"I love you too Ming." Kit said, with no hesitation whatsoever.

Ming smiled, and kissed Kit's forehead. They sat on the bench in the gazebo, looking out onto the water holding each other. In a very comfortable silence, Ming leaving small kisses on Kit's face every so often.


Hoot Hoot the kiss finally happen. I am definitely not good at writing intimate sense. This wasn't even that much, and I couldn't even write it correctly. I'm sorry for the long wait, I was just after to do this😅 I hope it was not to dreadful.

Guess what guys, we finally got power back😩 I am telling you, you never truly appreciate what you have till you lose it. AC and Wifi, definitely can't live without them. I didn't have any of this when I lived in Jamaica, but I moved to the states when I was 8. I'm 24 now, so I have definitely grown accustom to all that it has to offer.😏😅😅

I really hope that I didn't disappoint you guys too much with this chapter.

Only one more chapter to go lovelies🙌🏽 I will have it up in the next couple of days.

By the way, I started writing another Fanfic guys it's called "2moons one shots (Text) & More". It is about the 3 couples. If you could please go and check it out🤞🏽 that would be greatly appreciated☺️

Remember if you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to click that ⭐️, and leave me some amazing comments.

Thanks for reading

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now