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Ming made it to all of his afternoon classes on time, without a hitch. He stayed behind at his last class, to talk to his lecturer about the lesson they had just went over. When he was finally done. It was already after 5. Ming made his way to his car, on his way. He stopped, to text Kit.

Hey P'KitKat, I hope all of you classes went well today.🤞🏻

I just got out of my last class, I can't wait to get home and take a shower. Care to join me?😜Lol

Again there was no reply from Kit. Ming walked to his car, hoping that he would make it to the dorms as soon as possible. When Ming got to his driver side door however, he looked down, and he saw that his from tire was flat. Ming bent down to have a closer look at the tire, and when he did. His eyes shot open. Ming could not believe what he saw

"What the?" There was a big hole in the side of his tire. "Ooh my god, you got to be fucking kidding me. Who the hell would do something like this? What the else can go wrong right now?"

Ming walked to the back of his car, to get the spare tire out of the truck. But when he got there, again. His eyes went wide.

On the trunk of his car, the word LIER was scratched on to the hood, in big bold letters.



"How the hell am I a lier?"

"Who have I lied too?"

"Why is this day so damn horrible?"

Ming had a whole bunch of questions, and no answers.

Ming opened the trunk of his car, and took out the spare tire. However no matter how much he looked, he could not find the floor jack.

"Why does bad shit keep happening to me? Where is the damn floor jack!"

Ming could not believe the day he was having. "Who would do something like this? How am I a lier? I don't even make it a habit to lie to people."

He went in his car, to get his phone that he had put on the drive set beforehand. He got is phone out to call for help. But just like when he woke up, all he saw. Was the black screen, of his dead phone.

"HAHAHA!" Ming laughed, even though there was nothing funny at the moment.

"You got to be Kidding me right?"

"Please tell me this is a joke..."

"Tell me that I didn't wake up to a day like this..."

"Tell me that I'm just dreaming right now, in my nice soft bed?"

Ming said holding up his hands and looking around, talking to no one in particular.

Ming just sat on the curb in front of his car with his head down. Just then, a silver Audi was passing by.


I said That I was not uploading today, but I decided to just do this Short chapter. I hope you guys like it.

Poor Ming. Seems like there is nothing in his favor today😄

Who do you guys think did that to his car??

And who do you think is driving that Audi??

Remember if you like this story, don't forget to click that ⭐️ and leave some comments.

Thanks for reading

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now