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"It's... Moowan." Ming said

"Are you going to answer it?"

"I don't know P'Kit, should I?"

"I can't tell you what to do Ming. She is your girlfriend." Kit said looking away from Ming angrily.

"Ex-girlfriend P'Kit." He said putting emphasis on the "ex".

Ming looked at his phone, then he looked up at Kit. After he looked back to his phone, unsure of what to do. Ming took a deep breath and closed his eyes, before he pressed the answer button. Ming looked at Kit and put the phone on speaker so Kit could also hear what Moowan had to say.


"Moowan. I told you to stop calling me that. We are no longer together."

"But De-"

"Moowan what did I just say!"

[Gasp] "Ming I can't believe you just yelled at me, you have never yelled at me before. How could you, I thought you cared about me?"

"Moowan... I do car about you, but you need to listen to me. We are not together anymore, you need to understand that. I know that I was wrong to try and have the same relationship between us, knowing that we are no longer together. That was not fair to you, but it would have been worse if I had tried to court P'Kit while I was still with you. Moowan, I know that I hurt you. But you have to move on."

"Move on? move on? H-how do you expect me to just move on? Dear... I mean... Ming I thought that we still had a chance, I thought that was the reason why you... I mean every time I called, you answered. You still call me by the nicknames you gave me, you still came to me when ever I needed you. How was I not supposed to have hope, that we could mend what ever it is that was broken?"

Kit looked at Ming, with understanding in his eyes. He understood what Moowan was saying, all that Ming did was give her hope. Even though he may have thought that he was doing the right thing by keeping her around.

"Ming I am asking you not to do this to me. Please."

"Moowan, I am sorry. Truly I am; I know that I am wrong for what I did to you, and what I am doing to you right now. But I cannot take back what I have already done. Moowan, I would never dream of asking for your forgiveness, because I do not deserve it. What I am asking from you, is just for you to move on with your life. Find someone who is better than me, someone who can mend your broken heart; and love you the way that you deserve to be loved. Moowan, I am truly sorry for what I have done to you."

" I love P'Kit, and I only want to be with him, if he will have me?" Ming said the last statement while looking deeply into Kit's eyes.

"So there truly isn't any hope for you and I Ming?"

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"So there truly isn't any hope for you and I Ming?"

"No Moowan. I am really sorry for the hurt that I have caused you, but it's time for you to move on."

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now