Forever and a day

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Ming and Kit proceeded to changing the tire. "Ming why were you just sitting on the curb when I pulled up? Why didn't you call me? I mean... call someone for help."

Ming looked up at Kit lovingly and said. "I would have called you my P'KitKat, but my phone is dead, and I don't have my charger."

Kit looked away blushing. 'Why the hell wont I stop blushing?' Kit said to himself. "I have mine, if you want to use it." He said looking back at Ming.

"Thanks P'KitKat." Ming said pretending he did not see how much Kit was blushing, and went back to changing the tire.

Kit got the dead phone from Ming's car, and went to plug it into his own. "Ming do you have any idea who would do something like this to your car." Kit asked as he walked back over to Ming.

"No my P'KitKat, that's what I've been thinking about whilst changing this damn tire."

Kit looked at Ming with worry in his eyes. 'Who would do something like this to Ming?'

"There finally finished. My P'KitKat, your a life savor. You showed up at the right time." Ming smiled at Kit while putting the jack back in his car trunk. "Ohhh that reminds me, P'Kit what were you doing all the way over here anyway?"

Kit looked taken aback. "What do you mean? I was... going home?" Kit said, not meaning for it to sound like a question and not a statement.

"But P'Kit the medical facility is all the way on the other side of campus, what were you doing all the way over here?"

"You know what Ming. You should be thanking God that I was even over here, and not questioning what I was doing over here. Because if not for me, you would still be sitting on your ass." Kit said defensively.

"Oh but my P'KitKat, I am happy that you came along, because if you hadn't. I definitely would not have "moved" from this spot.

Kit push Ming, and walked back to the front of his car. He opened the door, and got in. "Here's your dumb phone, it should have a good amount of charge by now."

"Thanks my P'KitKat." Ming said turning on his phone. While it was booting up, Ming just smiled and stared at Kit.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Because I like your face."

Kit blushed again. "Will you stop saying stuff like that."

"Why can't I say stuff like that. I love looking at you. Do you know why?


"Come on my P'KitKat, do you know why?"

Sigh* "Why?" Kit said rolling his eyes

"Because you are Hella Fine!" Ming said bobbing his eye brows up and down.

"God Ming. Do you have to say everything that comes to your mind?"

"Yes my P'KitKat, I think honestly is everything. That's why I don't know why someone would say that I'm a lier?"

Kit looked at Ming, feeling sad for him. Ming really was the most honest person he knows. Thinking all the way back to high school, he can remembered that Ming has never lied to him. Even when Ming started developing feelings towards him, he had been very straight forward with him.

"Yeah, makes me really wonder who would say something like that about you Ming?"

Ming smiled fondly at Kit, and then looked down at his phone. But when his eyes went to the screen, his smile faded quickly. Ming's eyes widen as he reluctantly went into the new texts that he had received.

Kit looked at him confused. "Ming what's wrong?"

Ming did not answer.

"Ming what is it?"

Still he did not answer kit's questions.

"Ming!!" Kit yelled.

Ming looked up at him, as if awoken from a trance.

"What happened?" Kit said with worry written all over his face.

All Ming could do was hand his phone over to Kit. When Kit looked down at the screen, he was also rendered speechless.

Dear how are you?

I miss you so much😘

Dear why aren't you answering my text?😭

That's because We're over Moowan. You need to stop texting me.

I miss you so much!!!😫😫

Ming my Dear🙁

I hate you!! How can you do this to me??

Ming your a Fucking Lier!!!😭😭😭




Dear please talk to me😭😭😭😭😭💔💔

Your going to regret this!!!😡😡😠😠

I love you so much Dear. Please don't leave me for that guy😭😭💔💔😭😭💔💔😭💔

Kit looked at Ming when he read that last text. "What did she mean "leave me for that guy?"

"When I started having feeling for you P' I broke up with Moowan. It would not have been fair to her, If I had stayed with her know that I no longer had those feeling towards her. I told her that we could remain friends, and talk like the times before we were together. I couldn't just left her like that. After all we were together for a year. It would not have been right if I had just drop her. But... maybe I should have. She kept acting as though we were still together, so a few weeks ago. I told her she needs to move on, and not make trouble for you and I.

Kit looked at Ming in shock. "You were together for a year, and you ended it just like that? You didn't even know if I had feeling for you."

"Yes my P', but I had faith. I will try my best to make you fall in love with me."

"But you know that I don't like guys Ming. Why would you do something like that? You didn't even know if I would love you back."

"I know my P'KitKat. But I'm willing to wait forever and a day just for you."


Whhaa! What do you guys think about this chapter?

We're you expecting it to be Moowan??? She sure is crazy, and I have to say she sounds a little obsessed 😁

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thanks again for all of the love that you guys and gals sending my way😭😭💙❤️💙❤️💙

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Thanks for reading

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now