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Kit blushed, and looked away from Ming. Ming smiled and stepped closer to Kit's car window.



"My P'KitKat."

"Yes Ming?" Kit said in a soft voice.

"Look at me."

"Why?" Kit said not looking at Ming.

"Please just look at me my P'KitKat."

"Yes Ming." Kit said turning his head to look at Ming.

Ming looked at Kit, with eyes full of nothing but love. "My P'kit, I want you to know that I really am willing to wait as long as it takes, for you to fall completely and totally in love with me. Because I want you to know that I am completely and totally in love with you. P'Kit, I don't know if you believe me when I say these things to you. But I am telling you the whole truth, and nothing but. I love you my P'KitKat, and I want you to always know and remember that."

Kit looked at Ming, as he talked. He could not believe what he was hearing. Never in his dating life, has someone who liked him. Has ever professed there undying love to him before. Kit did not know what to say, he found that. For the first time in his life, he was at a complete loss for words.

Ming looked at Kit, trying to see if he could figure out what his P' was thinking. But it was to no avail. Ming had not the slightest clue as to what Kit was thinking.

"My P'KitKat, what's on your mind?"

Kit was trying to get his thoughts in order, before he opened his mouth.

"Ming... Ming... I-I, just don't know what to say"

Ming kept on smiling. "It's ok P'Kit, I know that this is a lot for you to take in. I know that I'm a guy and that your a guy. I know that this relationship that I am asking for is not of the norm. I know that there will always be people who look down at us because of our relationship. But I cannot stop these feelings that I have for you. Everyday, they grow more and more. It is like these feelings are consuming me, and I want them too. These feelings that I have for you, are talking over my life. I want you to know, that you are the first person i think about when I wake up in the morning. You are also the last person I think about before I close my eyes at night."

"P'Kit..." Ming said in a lower voice. "Please i want you to know, that I am not trying to play with your heart. I know that this is difficult for you, but please. Will you give this relationship a chance? That is all I am asking of you. Please give me a chance, give us a chance."

Kit looked at Ming, willing the words to come out of his mouth. "Ming... h-how do I know that your feelings will last?"

"What do you mean P'?

"How do I know that you won't do the same to me?"

"How do I know that you will not do what you did to Moowan to me? At one point, I bet that you were completely in love with her. But look at you know, you had a change of heart. Because... because of me. You stopped loving her, because you started having feelings for me. How do I know that when someone new comes along, who sparks your interest. That... that you will not end out relationship, and start a new one with them?"

Ming listened to every word that Kit had to say. He could hear the fear that was in his voice.

"My P'KitKat. The last thing that I want you to have is doubts about the love that I have for you. I want you to know that no one could ever make me stop loving you. I don't care who they are, and what they look like. My P'KitKat, I want you to know that I have never felt what I feel for you, towards anyone else before. Not even Moowan. I know that there are a lot of rumors about me being a playboy. But they are not all true. Yes, I have talked to a lot of girls in my pass. But I want you to know that I did not sleep with all of them. People, mostly girls; started spreading rumors about me sleeping with them. It's like for some reason, to them I'm a consolation prize to be had. To them if they told people that I had sex with them, they would somehow move up on the popularity scale. Or something or the other."

Ming said looking annoyed, "I use to go around telling people that I had not slept with those girls

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Ming said looking annoyed, "I use to go around telling people that I had not slept with those girls. But no one ever seem to believe me. So after a while I just let them be, they could say what ever they wanted. As long as the people that I care about know the truth about me, nothing else mattered."

Ming looked deeper into Kit's eyes. "My P'KitKat, I want you to know that in no way shape or form, am I playing with your heart. Like I said, I have never felt this way for anyone before. you know... it kind of scares me."

Kit looked into Ming's eyes, trying to find the lies that were hidden behind them. But he could not find any. All he saw was the remnants of the seniority of Ming's words.

"Ming... I-"

Kit was cut off by the ringing of Ming's cell phone. Ming looked at it, and then back at Kit.

"Its... Moowan" Ming said.


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Hey guys. Sorry I took so long to update. Adult life you know😅

So what do you think about this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if there is anything that you guys would like to happen in the next chapter.

I know that this has to be the longest day of Ming's life😂

As always, if you liked this story. Don't Forget to click that ⭐️, and please leave some comments.

Thanks for reading

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now