Heart to Heart.

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"We're here!"

"Wow I've never been here at night before, this place is beautiful." Kit looked around with an astonished look on his face.

"Yes it is, this is my favorite place to come whenever I need to think about things, or just need to get away from school life and my many fan clubs

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"Yes it is, this is my favorite place to come whenever I need to think about things, or just need to get away from school life and my many fan clubs." Ming said rolling his eyes.

"Hmmm I definitely see why, I may have to come here too from time to time. It's really peaceful here."

"Whenever you want to P'KitKat you can, and if you want to let me know, we can come here together."

"Ok, I would really like that."

Ming and Kit walked down a path that leads further into the park

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Ming and Kit walked down a path that leads further into the park. "My P'KitKat, can I hold your hand as we walk?" Kit was was silent, he thought to himself for a few seconds. Without answering, Kit took a hold of Ming's left hand. Ming was not expecting him to do that. They proceed to walk a few more feet. "This is really nice P'Kit, your hand fits so nicely in mine."


"Yes my love."

"Why did you fall for me?"

"What do you mean P'? How could I have not fallen for you?"

"Ming you literally can have anyone that you want, and I mean anyone. Why would you choose me? I am nothing special; I am not as handsome as Ai'Pha, and I am definitely not as cute as N'Yo. I don't know how to be romantic, and I have a really bad attitude. Not to mention I am very stubborn, but I don't have to tell you that. You have seen it first hand."

"Baby you are not telling me anything that I don't already know. You are right you are not as handsome as P'Phana, and you are not as cute as my best friend Wayo."

Kit stopped and looked at Ming with disbelief. "Let me finish love." Ming smiled down at him.

"To others. You may not have the looks that those two possess. But to me you are the most handsome guy-   No let me change that. You are the most beautiful person that I know. Both inside and out, and you know what my love? I know that you have a huge attitude problem and I also know that you are stubborn. Your actually the most stubborn person that I have ever met. However, like I have said so many times before I am completely and totally in love with you and only you. And that means everything that comes with you."
"You know, I don't think that there will ever come a time were I will stop loving you. Babe I want you to know that the love that I have for you will never diminish whatsoever. In fact, there is only room in my heart for this love to grow more and more till it over flows; and when it does. It will just keep on growing."

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now