Ming and Yo (Part 1)

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Ming finally made it to his car, he start the engine. But he did not move. Ming just sat there, and thought about the morning he is having.

"What was up with those two? What kind of girl goes up to someone and kiss them, when she doesn't even know that person. "I mean maybe if I was not already trying to court P'Kit, she definitely would be a girl that I would go for. What the hell is wrong with P'Ohm? Having a girl like that and not giving her the attention that he needs. How dumb could he be?"

Ming was about to drive off, when he looked down, and saw the box of KitKat he always carrying around in his car. He took on and opened it. Ming took a bite and when he did, his eyes closed automatically.
"Mmmmmhh!" Ming moaned, "so good. I wonder if this is how P'Kit's lips taste? That would be absolutely amazing, my favorite person having kissable lips that taste just like my favorite chocolate. Ohh man, I can't wait till the day that I am able to mold my lips with his." When Ming was done savoring his KitKat bar, he proceeded to drive.

"I wonder what my KitKat is doing right now? God I'm so damn happy that he was not around when that crazy woman kissed me. That shit would have been really bad for us." Ming talked to himself all the way to the cafeteria where he and yo said they would meet up. Ming took his phone to send a message to Kit.

Hello my P'KitKat hope your having a good day💙😘

How are your class going?

Hope you've eaten. ❤️

~Time Shift~

When Ming entered the cafeteria he could see Yo sitting at one of the tables, with his fairy angels sitting all around him

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When Ming entered the cafeteria he could see Yo sitting at one of the tables, with his fairy angels sitting all around him. When Yo looked up and saw Ming, he did not look too happy. Ming walked over to Yo slowly hoping that he could slow time down, or just stop stop time completely. Just so that he did not have to hear the lecture, that he was most definitely be getting from his best friend.

"Hello Mingkwan." Yo said in English.

'Oh no, Yo pulled out his English, this definitely will not end well for me.'

"Guys can you leave us? I have a few things, that I want to talk to my best friend about." Yo said brandishing his best fake smile, that only Ming would know was fake as can be.

"Oh but Yo, we want to stay and talk to the moon of the engineering facility too." One of the fairy angles said pleading with Yo, with big puppy dog eyes.

"Not right now ok, Mr. moon and I have some very important things to talk about." Yo said to him, while giving Ming his none too happy side glance.

After a few more minutes of winning from the angels, Yo was finally able to send them on their way. Ming was definitely not complaining, the longer he could prolong getting chewed out by Yo was alright with him.

"So?" Yo said.

"So?" Ming mimicked

"Where were you?"

"Where was I?"

"Ming don't play games with me. Do you know how long I waited for you thing morning?" "Do you know how many times I called and text you? You couldn't even reply to one, and tell me not to wait!" Ming rubbed the back of he head, and looked away.

"You know because if you, I didn't even get to have any breakfast. And when P'Pha came and pick me up, we didn't have enough time to stop and get anything on the way. Can you believe he didn't have any snacks in his car." You said pouting. "I thought that I was going to die in those morning classes, my stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself; and here I am finally at the place with food. But guess what? YOU WERE LATE AGAIN! So again I had to wait on you. Not only that, I had to wait with the fairy angels. And their constant questions about who I am dating. That's not even the worse part, I had to wait. Be questioned by the angels none stop; and all of this was done on an empty stomach! What do you have to say for yourself Mingkawn?"

By the time Yo was done, Ming wanted to crawl under the table and hide. "Yo I'm really sorry, this time. I really didn't mean to make you wait, especially on an empty stomach. I'll explain everything to you, but first let me buy you lunch, not just that. I'll buy you your favorite nom yen."

Yo just looked at him and said. "You better!"

~Time Shift~

"So your telling me that you didn't know that the power went out last night? Didn't you get a call from the director of the university, saying "how sorry they are for any inconvenience it my have caused?"

"Yo I told you that my phone was dead, and I didn't get to charge it till this morning."

"Ming you were home all night last night, how could your phone die?"

"I was on it, that's how."

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing, just looking up something."

"What? Don't tell me you were looking up porn, and forgot to charge your phone?"

"No. I was not looking up porn Wayo."

"Then what were you doing?"





"IwasstalkingP'Kitsfacebookandinstagram." Ming said so fast and quite, that it came out as one word.

"Ming would you open your mouth, I can't hear you!"

"I SAID I WAS STALKING P'KITS FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM!" Ming's hand went to his mouth instantly, when he realized that he said those words a little bit to loud. Ming and Yo looked around, and noticed that everyone in the room was starting at them. Being the moons of the engineering and science facilities, they were use to being  stared at. But this time, they wanted nothing more than to just be invisible.

Ming and Yo looked at each other and decided that maybe they should not be having this conversation in a room full of onlookers. So they quickly throw out the reminence of their lunch, and exited the cafeteria. When they got to a secluded area, they toke a set on one of the benches. Yo was the first to start talking.


I think that I'm going to end this right here. I'm just going make this part one of two. Hope you guys don't mind.

Please let me know what you think about this story so far.

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Thanks for reading

Love M💙

Ming's Terrible, Horrible, Not so very good day. Ming&Kit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now