Chapter 1

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You were curled up in bed as your body was covered under the comfy blankets. The sun shined right onto your face, resulting in an irritated groan from you as you tiredly faced the other way, the second you did your alarm went off making your face scrunched in annoyance as you dug your head deeper into your pillows. You heard a faint knock on your door as you muttered a 'Come in' loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear you.

Your older brother, Evan peeked through the slightly opened door. Your face still buried in the comfort of your pillows, you heard soft footsteps going to your bed (probably), and felt a dip on the mattress right beside you, by your upper torso. Evan grabbed ahold of your exposed forearm since you were wearing a short sleeved shirt he lightly shook you awake as you felt his rough cast that was wrapped around his forearm.

"(Y/N) come on get up."

You fluttered your eyes open and saw your brother giving you a smile you returned it and stretched your arms and rubbed the tiredness out your eyes.

"Good morning," you say with a yawn.

You sat on your bed still feeling tired and asked him, " Is mom still here?" Evan shook his head no, "She left a few minutes ago," you nod feeling dissapointed and Evan gave you an aplologetic look.

"At least she made pancakes, usually she'd just plate up toasted eggos from the store and call it a day, but they're getting cold, want me to heat them up?"

"Yes please."

You got out of bed and went to the bathroom you looked at yourself in front of the mirror and gasped but soon you let out a tired giggle, saying your hair was a mess was an understatement, it was all over the place some strands were standing straight up and going to different directions, you had no idea how that happened, some tangled which made a huge ball of hair, some were sticking on to your face, some even ended up inside your mouth
(For any of you that has long hair). You stripped yourself out of your clothing taking a quick shower that took at least 10 to 20 minutes. As you finished you grabbed your favorite (F/C){Favorite color} hoodie, a pair of of ripped jeans and sneekers (A/N: If you guys wanna put some makeup on that's completely fine i didn't write it because all of you are natural beauty queens).

You brushed your (H/L){hair length} (H/C){hair colour} as neatly as possible and went downstairs with your bag. You were greeted by the wonderful smell of pancakes and your brother stuffing his face with them. You placed your bag on the chair letting it hang on the corner of it, you grabbed your plate with three pancakes stacked on top of each other, and waddled over to sit next to Evan as he handed you some butter and a bottle of maple syrup, you placed a small cube of butter and drizzled your pancakes with maple syrup with your desired amount and started to eat them one by one.
As you both finished you placed your plates in the sink and started your journey to (HELL) school.

"First day of school huh?" You breathed out.

"Mhm," Evan hummed in response.

"Have you been writing those letters again? 'Dear Evan Hansen today's gonna be a good day and here's why!'" You say with enthusiasm.

"Staaaahp, you're starting to sound like mom," Evan groaned.

You giggled in response

"You think people would write something on this thing?" Evan asks gesturing to his cast.

"Im sure someone will, plus maybe Zoe might sign it," You say teasingly nudging his arm.

Evan's cheeks turned into a faint pink color and he started to stutter, "N-no w-way I-I can n-never a-ask her to sign it."

"Hahaha, alright alright I'm just messin with ya, come on have some fun for once... Tree boy," you muttered that last part but Evan seemed to realise what you have said.

"S-shut up."

(A/N: Aaaaaye first chapter for this book hope you guys enjoy it if you do I'll try my absolute best to update at least two chapters per day, anyways that's all I'm gonna say for now and as always i will see you in the next chapter, buh-bye)

-Dee Dee-

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