Chapter 7

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You laid on your bed tossing and turning not being able to sleep it was 00:45 in the morning and you still had school you slammed your head onto your pillow groaning onto it.

"Why can't I sleeeeep??" You groaned in frustration. You looked at the clock seeing the green digital numbers illuminating on your face, you then turned away facing the wall cuddled up in your covers you closed your eyes tight and waited till you finally felt sleepy and soon, slept.


You fluttered your eyes open only to see yourself surrounded by green grasses you sat up and looked at your surroundings.

"Where am i?"

You were in an opened field on a hill filled with grass and beautiful flowers and on the far sides of the field you saw mountains, mountains that had snow patched on the very top, you were absolutely confused on what was going on but you adored the view. You looked down only to see you weren't in your pajamas anymore instead you were wearing a white flowy dress that reached all the way to your toes, and speaking of toes you were also barefoot.

And you also had a beautiful hairstyle, you had a braid crown with a flower crown sitting at the top of your head

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And you also had a beautiful hairstyle, you had a braid crown with a flower crown sitting at the top of your head.

And you also had a beautiful hairstyle, you had a braid crown with a flower crown sitting at the top of your head

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you looked over to see who was calling out your name only to have a shocked expression on your face. It was Connor. He grabs your hands in his and looks you in the eyes filled with concern.

"Please don't run of like that princess, it's hard to catch up with you."

'P-princess?' You thought

"I-I'm sorry I-I got a little, um, excited back there," you say nervously laughing.

'What is going on?'

"That's fine love," Connor smiled at you, 'Oh God he looks adorable'. You looked at what he was wearing,  a white unbuttoned long sleeved shirt with black jeans and he was barefoot as well. But damn honestly he looked hot.

He then placed a finger under your chin making you look up at him, you were basically blushing profusely at this point making Connor laugh

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He then placed a finger under your chin making you look up at him, you were basically blushing profusely at this point making Connor laugh.

"Well look who turned into a tomato."

He leaned towards you making you inches away from his lips, you didn't back away you didn't do anything but just stood there powerless, you were  mesmerized, as he leaned in closer you closed your eyes and let his lips collide with yours you couldn't help but melt at his surprisingly soft lips, he moved his hands to your waist rubbing his hands up and down, as your hands wrapped around his neck playing with strands of his hair making him growl into the kiss. The kiss was just filled with passion, love, and need it was a soft kiss and Connor held you gently as if you were a fragile object and if he'd do anything he'd break you. You soon pulled away for air your foreheads touching each others.

"I love you (Y/N), so much."

"I, I love you too Connor."

You both smiled and leaned in for another kiss.


You jumped in shock making you sit up on your bed. You looked around to see you were back in your room and you were in your pajamas again, there was no Connor, no fields, no mountains, nothing from your dream. You let out a disappointed sigh rubbing your face and yawning as well.

"Just a dream," you tiredly said.

Knock knock knock

"(Y/N), you awake?"

"Yup," you answered your brother tiredly rubbing your eyes and yawning once again.

You got out of bed slowly since you were tired and stretched your arms and legs before getting your stuff,  preparing for school. You brushed your teeth, hair, washed your face and wore some clothes.

(A/N: Done two chapters in a day phew, so Yeah im gonna end it here and like I always say I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye)

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(A/N: Done two chapters in a day phew, so Yeah im gonna end it here and like I always say I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye)

-Dee Dee-

His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now