Chapter 4

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(A/N: Another chapter completed yes woohoo, I'm supposed to study for a test right now but... I've been studying for 4 hours straight so i deserve a fucking break! anywaaaays enjoy!)


"Alright class remember to finish your work on page 71 and make sure you explain every detail of Charles Darwin's history and findings."

The bell had finally rung signifying that it was time for lunch, good god you were absolutely starving you were having thoughts that your stomach might have eaten itself it had been a huge distraction for you through the entirety of your History class.

"Uuuugh this day keeps getting worse and worse, i mean come on who gives a teenager a shit load of homework on the first day?" Zoe complained as you giggled at her outburst.

"W-well a-at least i-it's lunch that'll probably t-take your m-mind out of it."

You both headed to your locker as you placed your binder back into your locker, as you were about to close it a hand seemed to slam your locker door making you shriek and step back in terror, your hand was nearly injured, nearly, but you were relieved you had good reflexes. You turned to see the owner of the hand, an angry looking Connor glaring at you with fire in his eyes, it seemed like steam was coming out of his ears.

"CONNOR WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!?!??" Zoe screamed in anger at her brother.

"IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FUCKING SPRAY PAINTED MY LOCKER!!" Connor screamed at you pointing his finger right in front of your face, you only stood back in shock, terror, confusion, and anger.

"HOW THE HELL WOULD (Y/N) EVEN DO SUCH A THING!!?!! SHE'S BEEN WITH ME THE WHOLE ENTIRE DAY! AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ANY SPRAY PAINT CANS ON HER!!" Zoe was trying to defend you and you were glad, but the sight of the two siblings fighting was unbearably terrifying. 



Connor scoffed at his sisters reply and you watched as his gaze focused on you, it seemed to softened, a little, tears were starting to brim up in your eyes as you hid behind Zoe, His eyes were somewhat filled with sadness and guilt but you quickly looked away staring at the ground. Then he seemed to have notice he was still staring at you, he shook his head and his face turned into the same expression as before, Hatred and anger.

He growled at his sister.


"AM NOT!!" Zoe screams back.

Suddenly out of no where Connor roughly pushed Zoe onto the ground and suddenly grabbed you by the collar of your sweater, causing you to shriek in fear again and your eyes wide in terror.

"WAS IT YOU?!" Connor says his words filled with anger and rage like venom dripping out of his mouth. By now students were already crowding the three of you Evan, Alana and Jared were there too they couldn't do anything as much as they wanted to help them, Evan stared at his little sister in terror wanting to save her, but Jared and Alana held his arms back not wanting him to be apart of this scenario.

not being able to answer nor speak from being absolutely traumatized you rapidly shook your head no.


Connors face was inches away from yours, your eyes were no longer glossy instead tears were already streaming down your face like a waterfall you're heart was beating rapidly and your breathing quickened, you were having a panic attack . 


Connor loosened his grip around your collar making you fall to the ground, Alana and Jared finally released Evan as he rushed towards you hugging you tightly while you cried on his chest, meanwhile Connor was holding his head in pain as he looked behind him to see his sister with a hard cover book, probably her Dictionary, He looked at his sister with fire in his eyes.

"WHY You little bi-."

"Mr. Murphy what is going on around here??!!?"

You looked up from Evan's chest to see your principle, with a dissapointed look on his face, Connor just stared at the principle knowing that he'd be in a shit ton of trouble.

"Young man you are in alot of troub-."


Everyone gasped in shock including Connor and Zoe. You, (Y/N) Hansen, the shy girl who has social anxiety and depression was going to defend Connor Murphy 'The Freak', 'The Outcast', the boy who had depression.

"I-It wasn't his f-fault." 

Even though you still had tears running down your eyes you still had confidence.

"S-someone vandalized h-his locker, and t-thought it was me and Zoe but he d-didn't believe us s-so he started a-accusing u-us, b-but i-it's not his f-fault he's like this it's the o-one who spray p-painted his locker."

The principle cocked his eyebrow up and turned to face Connor.

"Is that true Mr. Murphy."

"Y-yes sir." 

Connor says looking down at the floor with guilt in his eyes as he took a glance at you, you gave him a small smile, but he didn't return it.

"Alright then, we will be sure to try and find who's the culprit and Mr. Murphy you are excused, and (Y/N), Thank you."

"I-it's no problem sir."

As the principle left so did the crowd, Zoe came rushing towards you as you stood up.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?" She says in pure disbelief and shock.

" I- I saved C-Connors butt back there."

"Y-yeah, BUT STILL WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Zoe yells grabbing you by the shoulders.

You look behind you to see Connor walking away his back facing you. You gave your confused friends a smile and simply said.

'I have my reasons'

( I was about to put a lyric related to this sentence but i couldn't find one, leave a comment if you do)

(A/N: Anywaaaays it's getting late, and i gotta sleep cause I'm sick but i still gotta go to school tomorrow, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, buh-bye)

-Dee Dee-

His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now