Chapter 11

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A/N: I... AM SO SORRY!!!  I DIDNT EXPECT TO BE THIS STRESSFUL FOR MIDS AND NOW SINCE ITS FINALLY OVER I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE FOR NOT UPDATING ANY CHAPTERS, also the characters that you guys have sent me are absolutely amazing thank you so much for enjoying this book as much as I enjoy writing it and also HOLY SHIZ 2.06K READERS WTAF!!! ahem anyways let's move on to the story shall we.

Your POV


"Alright class remember to read the books I gave you over the week and make a 5 page resume after that."

You and Zoe rushed out of your classroom so you could hurry to the cafeteria.


Zoe continued ranting about the amounts of homework that had to be done this week, "I swear I'mma die just by opening our geography text book, I mean, have you seen how thick that thing is?! "

You couldn't help but let out a chuckle, as you arrived at the cafeteria you grabbed your food and sat with the squad.

"S-so how w-was class?" Evan asks placing his spoon on his tray.

"Terrible, it was absolute shit," Jared replied,  food still stuffed in his mouth.

"I think it's great that teachers give us homework on the first day," Alana chimed in the conversation, "Alana are you listening to yourself right now? Homework?  On the first day? It's like having a ticking bomb or else you'd be dead if you weren't able to diffuse it in time."

"Hey I'm a braniac deal with it."

You continued to eat your lunch as you talked about how shitty your day went, Evan nearly had a panic attack which made you super worried, Alana was assigned for a science competition at the end of December, Jared continued to hack and cheat on his assignment during I.T (It's where you learn how to program a computer if you don't know what it means). While you just had a normal day... Probably.

"So (Y/N) what's going on between you and Connor?"

You chocked on your juice box as you heard that question slip out of Jared's mouth.

"Oh, I heard Connor's asking (Y/N) out," Alana squels.

"W-what? C-connor?  M-m-me?" You stuttered pointing to yourself as if not sure you heard Alana correctly.

"Of course who else would I be talking about?"

Zoe then turned to see the entrance to the cafeteria, "Woop, speak of the devil looks who's here," you turned your head as sis everyone who was sitting at your table, Connor, was heading right towards your table, 'Oh frig, do I look ok, do I have something in my face, is my hair a m-' your thoughts we're cut off as you heard Zoe talking to her older brother.

"Hey Romeo what brings you to our table?" Zoe asks with a smirked placed on her face.

"Knock it off Zoe, it's non of your fucking business," Connor gave Zoe a death glare, "Ok, geez dickhead."

Connor looked back at you as his eyes softened at the sight of you, "*ahem* uh can I speak with you? Alone?"

"S-sure," you followed Connor as he lead you out of the cafeteria you turned back to see your friends Alana mouthing the words 'go get em tiger', as soon as you were out of the cafeteria Connor took a deep breath and turned to face you. He looked.. Nervous? He was scratching the back of his neck and he was oddly stuttering.

"H-hey, um (Y-Y/N)?"

"Yes?" You say as you walked closer towards the nervous Connor.

"Would it be weird to say that a, um particular someone, *ahem* l-likes y-you?"

You thought about it for a second thinking it might be strange for someone to like an introvert such as yourself.

"A-actually i-it is, considering the fact I-I'm an I-introvert," Connor continued to look at you with soft eyes, "I-I mean, come on, I-I'm a n-nobody, I-I'm n-not as p-popular as Zoe or as smart as Alana, or even p-prettier the-"


You were stunned, by the sudden out burst Connor had given you, you looked at him shocked yet not frightened, "I-I mean y-you're different from them," you raised an eyebrow out of confusion, "you're smart, funny, adorable, heck you're not pretty-" you looked down as Connor said those words 'it's true I'm not pretty'

"You're gorgeous."

You were once again stunned you looked up to see a serious looking Connor, Connor walked closer towards you but somehow you didn't want to run from the situation you just froze in place, he lifts his hand as he places it on your cheek as if you were made of glass.

"Why do you think you're not pretty?" He asks tilting his head like a puppy.

"I... I-I d-don't know."

By now your face was flushed if you could see yourself now you couldn't even explain how red you were, then he suddenly leans in, you were starting to tense and your mind was setting alarms but you ignored them instead you leaned with him, like a magnet, and even before your lips were against each other he said the most spine tingling sentence you've ever heard.

"I wonder what your lips feels like."

Then the gap has been closed, sparks were setting off and you were feeling butterflies, his lips were soft and he tasted like, mints, which was surprising to you but yet you couldn't pull away, your lips moved in sync against one another, but alas good things come to an end as you both pulled away  needing air, your foreheads against each others as you both couldn't stop smiling.

"S-so d-does this m-mean?"

"I guess, but not only if you want to."

"I'd love to"

"A guy that you'd kinda be into..."

A/N:  phew, ok I'm done with this chapter like I said I will be adding the amazing characters that you guys gave me in the next chapter but until then, I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye

-Dee Dee-

His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now