Chapter 2

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You and Evan walked through the doors of (HELL) school and saw how packed the hallways were. Your social anxiety begins to rise as you see students chattering about their summer. The popular girls would squel and give each other bone crushing hugs, the jocks giving each other high fives and hard pats on their backs or even ruffling each other's hairs, the bullies shoving their poor victims into lockers or walls telling them how they missed "having fun" with them, the nerds huddled in groups telling them the latest books or board games that were on sale or, if they've finished doing some of the questions from their texts books, and a few people making out with their significant other earning a look of disgust from you and a slight gag causing Evan to chuckled as you turned to you.

You both walked for awhile till you met one of your closest friends Alana Beck waiting in front of your lockers.

"Hey (Y/N)." Alana exclaims happily.

"Oh, H-hey Alana didn't know you'd wait here," you replied stuttering it was odd, you spoke well with your mom and Evan without missing a beat, but with everyone else your stutter seems to come out on its own.

"Hehe yeah trying to be the early bird as usual, oh hey Evan," Alana says waving to Evan with a sincere smile.

He returned it and replied "Hey Alana."

"What happen to your arm?" Alana asks pointing to Evan's cast.

"O-oh I-I um, I fell f-from a tree," Evan replies as he looks at his cast.

You were about to ask Alana if she wanted to sign your brothers cast until you were cut of.

"I see, welp i gotta head to my locker to get my binder see ya guys."

Alana left as he jogged to get to her locker.

"Hey there Enano."

You turned around to be greeted by a familiar face Jared kleinman, not exactly one of your closest friends he put you off a little if you're being honest. He gave you the nickname 'Enano' or even 'Retaco', 'Enano' meant dwarf in Spanish and 'Retaco' as shorty in Spanish it was fitting since you were basically a few inches shorter than Evan and Jared.

"H-hey Jared." You replied.

"Heeeey Evan buddy," Jared was soon cut of as he saw Evan's bandage covered forearm, " Say, what happened to your arm?" he asks doing the same gesture as Alana.

"I-I fell f-rom a tree, um, I was climbing until a branch snapped and.. I fell," Evan replied stuttering as he started fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Jared looked at his arm once,"what are you a fucking acorn?"

"W-what n-no, of c-course not."

"I see no one has signed your cast yet, well except (Y/N) of course."

"D-do you want to sign it." Evan says as he reached into his backpack to grab a sharpie till Jared stopped him.

Jared shook his head no "Nah, you do know our friendship is kinda similar to a brotherly bond right?"


Before Evan could say another word out of his mouth Jared patted his shoulder and said, "Hey make sure you tell your mom I said hi to both of you a'right?"

"Y-yeah right."

" and hey, make sure to tell your mom to tell my mom I was nice to you or my parents wont pay for my car insurance." Jared says before turning his back and leaving.

Jared took a glance behind the both of you, you both turned around to look at what Jared was looking at realizing it was none other than Connor Murphy himself, 'The Freak' well, that's what everyone calls him you didn't really believe some of the rumors people were spreading around school, well except the one where he actually threw a printer onto a teacher's face that incident actually happened because you were there to witness it, but other than that you weren't the type to jump into conclusions that fast.

You had to admit you had the tinniest crush towards 'The Freak'. You were so intrigued by him he was like a puzzle, so intimidating and complicated to understand on the outside but you wanted to know if there was something more than just his dark ego.

"Heeey Connor like the new hair it's so... you, very "school shooter," chic and,so... mysterious and ....sad."

Connor just gave Jared an emotionless stare not even giving him a reply.

"It was just a jo-"

"yeah, no, it was funny. I'm laughing. can't you tell? am I not laughing hard enough for you?" Connor says with sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

"Alright geez man calm your tits." Jared says lifting his arms arm as if surrendering. Jared turned away as Evan followed behind.

"Geez what a freak," Jared mumbled as you two were left alone in an oddly quite and empty hallway Connor looked down staring at the floor.

You heard a loud cough and that for some reason made Connor snap, he raised his head up and gave you a menacing glare. You froze in place, eyes widened frightened by his expression.

"You think it's funny?" Connor asks walking closer towards you.

"N-no I didn't say anything," you stuttered completely terrified and stepped back.

"YOU THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY!!?!" you flinched in fear as he started yelling.

"N-no I-I didn-"

"STOP FUCKING LAUGHING AT ME!!!" Tears were already brimming in your eyes, causing your vision to slightly blur.

"B-but I wasn-"


Connor gave you a hard shove making you fall to the ground, you laid there for a few seconds as Connor left, you slowly lifted yourself up quickly wiping single tear that must have escaped from your eye.

"I'm waving through a window."

His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now