Chapter 17 (IM BACK BISSES)

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A/N: HOLY SHIT- OK... Hello!! IM BACK!!! HOW ARE Y'ALL DOING, UUHM WOW OK WHERE DO I START I've decided to write the last chapter of this story which is... This, And please forgive me for my writing its been a while and I'm a bit rusty. I've decided to wgrite an ending to this because you've all been so sweet and supportive of my work!! And I honestly miss writing for you all! BUT ANYWAYS PLEASE ENJOY THIS LAST CHAPTER!!

Your POV

It's been 2 days... TWO DAYS since Connor has made any contact with you let alone spoke to you... heck now that you think about it... Where is he?... You haven't seen him anywhere in school. You were on your way to your next class when you overheard your distraught brother and a confused Jared.

"A letter to yourself? What the crap does that even mean?!? Is that some kind of sex thing?!"

You couldn't help but stiffle a laugh when you heard him say that. You saw from afar as your brother continued to fidget with his fingers.

"N-no no its not a sex thing i-it's an assignment."

"Then why are you talking to me about this?!?" Jared exclaimed as he looked around.

"I-I didn't know who else t-to talk to, you're my only... family... friend.." Evan mumbled the last part so you could barely here it.

"Not even (Y/N) your own family?!"

"S-she'd be r-really upset if I told her t-this, I-I don't know... I-I d-don't know what to do ok... Connor stole a letter from me three days ago and he just- he hasn't been at school since"

"Well that does NOT move well for you"

"W-what's he going to do with it?"

Evan what did you do?!

"What did you write in it?"
Evan stared in you in fear, afraid of what he'll say next.

"I- uh... well- um"

"He wrote a Letter to himself and Connor found it on the library printer, he read it and found Zoes name on it." Jared explained without missing a single beat, not even stuttering.

Evan stared at Jared feeling betrayed.

So that's why he hasn't been contacting you either.

Without any hesitation you dashed  out of the hall and outside the school ignoring your brothers desperate cries to come back.

"Welp... there she goes."

Evan sent him a glare as he could only stare at your disappearing form.

Shit shit shit come on Connor don't so anything rash don't do anything stupid.

Your legs were already numb at this point ready to give out at any second, but you didn't care that just gave you more motivation to sprint to the Murphy home. As you reached their front door you basically fell on your knees not realizing how exhausted your legs were. You continued to knock aggressively on his front door resulting into banging then shouting for his name.

"Hello!! Is anyone there!! CONNOR ITS (Y/N)!!"

No answer at this point you were a panting mess, your chest going up and down in heaves of breath, your hair was disheveled, your heart pounding to the point where you could feel the beats inside your head. You looked around for a possible entrance, looking around the house going as far as climbing the backyard fence.

Bingo an open window

You had left your backpack on their backyard as you carefully climbed in.

Let's just hope no one saw that...

This was your first time inside the Murphy home, It was HUGE, a chandelier hung inside the living room area where a big flat screen TV was placed against the wall below a fire place. Shelves filled with books, souvenirs and nick nacks, a table by the front door with family pictures displayed on them, one of the frames facing down. You walked towards the table and lifted the frame.

It was a picture of Connor he looked... happy... a bright smile adorned on his face as he held an toy airplane in his hands.

How sweet...

You suddenly heard a door slam from upstairs and quickly but cautiously checked the situation. It was quiet the only sounds visible to you were the quiet ticks of a clock near you. The house was big but for some reason it felt oh so small...

You heard faint shuffling from a few doors from your left, you placed your ear against the door only to hear dead silence once again... You hesitated but you eventually mustered enough courage to knock.

"I told you to leave me the fuck alone!!"
That was definitely Connor.

"C-Connor... Uhm... i-its (Y/N)"
You stuttered as your anxiety started to kick in, it was quiet for an agonizing 5 seconds till she heard Connor speak again.

"How did you get in?"

"W-well... u-uhm... y-you see... I-I... uhm..."

Oh gawd this is nerve wrecking, breathe (Y/N) breathe...

"I-I noticed y-you h-havent been t-to school lately a-and uhm... I-I was s-starting to get w-worried"

"So you're a stalker now? Is that what you're saying?"

"W-what?! N-no no no no no, I-I... I heard w-what happened at the library... a few days... ago with my b-brother, A-and I got w-worried and I just- I ran to you house and-"

You heard a click and a strong yank from the door, you stared into his bloodshot  yet inviting eyes (either from crying or he's just high) as his lips formed into a slight frown.

"You can be a real nuisance sometimes." He says bluntly.

"u-uhm..." you immediately darted your eyes away from his eyeing your shoes instead. Your cheeks slowly turning into a pink hue as your lips trembled.

That is until you felt him lift your chin up and he was mere inches away from your face.

Oh lawd have mercy...

"You're lucky I like you"

And without hesitation he smashed his lips onto yours. While you on the other hand stood there wide eyed and shocked with his actions, and before you could succumb to his soft lips he slowly pulled away, once again only a small gap is separated between you two.

"I-I u-uhm... I-I l-love you t-too"


"I-I M-MEAN L-LIKE... I-I l-like y-you t-to"

Great job (Y/N) you fucked up a possibly good relationship with that act.

Connor could only stare at you with awe as he gave you a soft smile and a small kiss on your nose.

"Adorable as always Hansen..."

Young man why do you weep as so?

Why do you tend to end it all?

Do you not see?

For you have found your cure...

All of this resulting in both of you getting detention on the next day.

A/N: AND... SCENE!!! WHEW THIS TOOK.... WAY LONGER TO FINISH THAN I EXPECTED, I apologize if this wasn't the ending you all expected but if you have any tips please feel free to comment they will be 100% appreciated! Thank you so so much for your love and support I really do love every single one of you!! Thank you again so much ready and I will see you all next time!! Buh-bye


His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now