Chapter 15

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As you both waited for the bus you were mindlessly texting on your phone discussing about the recent events that had happened to you in the past few days with Zoe.

Zozo: "Holy Crap (Y/N) I swear if anotheor person ever talks shit about you I'll be happy to give them a good beating 😤😤."

You: "lol it's alright Zoe I think I can manage."

Zozo:" alright... But I mean you know, if you want.."

You:" Haha yeah dont worry I'll tell you when something happens😜😜."

You:" oh and btw how's Connor?"

Zozo:" is that all you ever ask? Why can't you just ask me something other than my one of a messed up brother."

You:" oh come on he's not that bad."

Zozo:"Pfffft, says the one who stole a kiss from him.."

Zozo:" oh shit I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that🤐🤐."

You:"Lmao naah it's ok it's all in the past anyways."

"Hey (Y/N) the bus is here," Evan told you as you glanced away from your phone to see the long yellow vehicle that would transport you to school(HELL), "ok." You shoved your phone into your pocket as you climbed into the bus.

"hi Mrs.Miller," you greeted the lovely bus driver as you greeted her with a smile, she gave you a small nod and smiled, "Good morning Hansen you're looking cheery today ."

"Just...being positive for once." You say as you walked into the bus and tried to find a seat at the very back but then you heard a familiar voice calling out your name, "Yo Hansens over here!" You snapped your head as you heard a familiar voice, it was Mae(did you guys thought I was gonna say Zoe?).

"Hey Mae what's up?" You say as you sat between Evan and Mae.

"Not much, but I did add more quotes to my uke." Mae pulls out her uke covered in all sorts of quotes, stickers, basically anything that would fill her ukulele,"pretty cool huh."

"Well it is colorful, oh have you learnt any new songs?"

"Hmmmmm, I did learn how to by Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid."(I swear to god this song is my mood whenever i feel y know...emo).

"Oh cool."

"Heh, thanks, Oh hey heard anything about Connor yet?" 

Mae asked and in an instant your cheeks (or even possibly your whole entire face) turned into a dark shade of red and let out a nervous chuckle.

"u-um, I-i'm not so s-sure a-actually, I-I haven't heard from him s-since the auditorium incident." I say scratching the back of my head.

"I see..."

The three of you continued to talk as Mae continued to sing and play couple of songs that she learned, after three songs the bus came to a halt and the doors of the yellow vehicle opened, teens rushed out in huge crowds like a stampede, you being the last one to get off while the others were already ahead.

Alright (Y/N) just.... Take a breather or two... Yeah... It'll be fine... Totally fine...

You opened the school doors entering the crowded school corridors, it was suffocating.

Oh crap everyone's looking!!!

What should I do?!?!

Should I run?!?!

His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now