Chapter 8

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The whole time you ate breakfast you were oddly quiet sometimes you would play with your cereal, scooping a spoon full of (F/C){favorite cereal} (mine is froot loops) and tilting the spoon over making the milk and cereal mixture drip and fall back into the bowl, Evan notices your strange behavior and breaks the silence between you two.

"Something wrong with your (F/C) (Y/N)?"

"Hm?" you hummed in response looking at your brother.

"O-Oh,n-no no no, i-it's fine just thinking." you say staring back at your bowl of cereal.

"Uh-huh...... About what exactly?" Evan questioned raising an eyebrow in curiosity (I highly doubt Evan does that but he's with his sister so.... nothing to worry about)

"Just something that occurred last night."

"Oh, you mean a dream?"

You nodded in response slouching on your wooden chair.

"Mind telling me what's it about?"

You shook your head no.


You took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "Promise me you won't freak out or think it's weird," (actually the dream itself was REALLY weird) he drew a cross on his chest where his heart was located signifying the 'Cross My Heart' thing you two were doing to swear on something.

"It was.." You paused for a minute.

"It was," You repeated 

"I-It was a dream about  where I flew a giant dragon across  town and there were Nyan cats shooting rainbows out of their butts and-"

"Ok stop, (Y/N) you do realize I've been your brother ever since you were in mom's womb for 9 months,"You slowly nod to your brother,"and as a brother, the oldest even, I can sense that you're lying, and that is exactly what you're doing right now."

"W-what?w-what are y-you t-talking about I-I'm not lying, who says I-I'm lying?" You nervously chuckled.

"You're stuttering and you're laughing, nervously might I add."

You sighed in defeat and sat up straight on your chair, "Alright fine, but like i said before PROMISE to not freak out,""Mhm."

"*sigh* I,I had a dream a-about Connor."


"We were in an open field, and he was there h-he even called me 'Princess' and then," You paused and swallowed a lump in your throat preventing you from telling the rest of the dream,"And then, and then we k-kissed," as you said those words it seemed so difficult just to let the words right out of your mouth, you looked up at Evan to see his face shocked and stunned.

"W-wow, um, t-that, that's really something, um, w-we s-should probably get to the bus stop we're gonna be late for school," He says grabbing his bag behind his chair that was hanging of one of the wooden edges, on the way out of the house he seemed to be speed walking so you caught up to him you looked at his face seeing a blank expression,"A-are, are y-you, um, mad?"

"No, not at all just stunned that's all, who knew a brain could imagine that."

(A/N: It's late, It's 22:28, i have school tomorrow and I'm supposed to be studying for a quiz tomorrow but i can't read two chapters that's 141 pages long, so like i always say I'll try my best to update and I'll see you in the next chapter, buh-bye and GOODNIGHT!!)

-Dee Dee-

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