*No Pulse*

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Daniels pov
         I was heartbroken. That sentence was the first piece of hate I've ever gotten on being gay. But the breakfast was amazing. We talked and laughed and I think we forgot this morning. I had an unbelievable time. I think I love him. I need to tell Corbyn. I walk down the stairs to see him talking to Jack again. They stop right as they saw me and Jack walked out the door. Corbyn motioned me to join him.
Corbyn~ "Hey Danny are you alright? You look awful." I didn't realize I was crying. I remembered this morning.
Me~ "No.. I'm n..not." I stopped as I broke down on Corbyns shoulder. I spat out words when I could. He lifted my head and told me,
Corbyn~ "Jack told me the story. I'm so sorry that happened."
Me~ "I feel like nothing a..and it hurts." I couldn't stop crying. He just rubbed my back and told me it was ok.

Corbyns pov
(Before Daniel spoke to him)
       I was on the couch and Jack came up to me. He looked dead. Tears escaping his eyes. He sat down and told me everything about that morning and that stupid uber driver. He did tell me what an amazing time they had and I was so happy to hear that. He didn't break down but every five seconds tears dropped and feel onto the couch or my shirt when he talked about the uber. I told him it would be ok. He nodded and we just say there and watched YouTube on my phone.
(After Daniel and Corbyns talk)
      Man these two have had a rough morning. I feel awful for them. I want to go as them both if they wanted to go get ice cream. I saw Jack outside. His phone was on the kitchen counter and he was just staring at the trees. He jumped when he heard the door shut. He looked back at me. I feel he was depressed at this point. He had confessed him being bi a bit ago. Only me and him knew, but I feel Daniel has a hunch considering what the uber driver did and how it effected Jack. I asked him for ice cream and he nodded. He went to the downstairs bathroom to freshen up and I went to go find Daniel. I searched the whole house for that boy. I finally found him in the bathroom in his room.  Just sitting there. Small white things covered the floor. Headache pills. My body froze. I caught my breath and went into panic mode. I ran to  my best friend. He wasn't breathing so I called 911.
911~ "This is 911 what's your emergency"
Me~ "Yes my friend has overdosed and isn't breathing."
911~ "We will be there asap."
Me~"Thank you and please hurry."
They hung up and I checked Daniels pulse. No pulse. Shit. He's gonna be ok. It's ok. I tell myself. I screamed for Jonah, Zach, and Jack. They rushed upstairs and Jonah and Zach rushed over to me and Daniel. Jonah screamed loudest.
Jonah~ "DANIEL!! DANEIL NO!!!"
Zach~ "No Daniel please don't leave. Please. No!!" Jack just stood there frozen. All of the boys started silently crying as I checked his pulse. The sirens sent off and they came and took him from my grasp. We followed the ambulance to the hospital. No words were spoken. Just quiet sobs. We could loose him. Jack hasn't moved his upper body. He was in shock mode. I was angry. Upset. Worried. What if Daniel didn't make it. What if he was gone. I couldn't think like this. I started to turn on the music but I heard a small "No, don't" from Jacks direction. We all stared at him. I stopped the music. We arrived at the hospital and ran in the door.
"WHERE IS DANIEL SEAVY!!!?" We all semi-screamed. Shhhhes came next from multiple voices. The woman at the desk told us the room number. 278. We started to turn to that direction when she spoke up.
Lady~ "What's your relation to Mr. Seavy?"
I spoke up. Me~"Brothers."
She let us by and we ran to room #278. We stopped when we say the sign and number.

Jacks pov
     I thought this day couldn't get any worse than this morning. Then Corbyn screamed and I knew it was horrible. I saw Daniel there covered in pills. He was dying. I could possibly loose Daniel. I hated that thought. I love him. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. We ran to the hospital room and I couldn't bring myself to go in. I didn't want to see him like this. I have been crying the whole time. Corbyn immediately ran to Daniels side. Jonah and Zach slowly walked to him with tears going everywhere. I looked in at Daniel. He was sleeping. I hope. He looked pretty much dead. I fell to my knees and just sat there. Hoping he would be ok.

Jonahs pov
     I couldn't look away if I wanted to. My best friend was minutes away from death. Corbyn was in shock and zach stood in the corner crying. Jack was on his knees. Tears were falling from 4 pairs of eyes. We couldn't loose him.

Zach's pov
   I couldn't do anything. I don't want to loose him. He's one of my best friends. He has to pull through. He has to do this. We won't survive without him. Especially Jack.

Jacks pov
     The nurse came in and saw us. She had sympathy on her face. She told us our nightmare. Our worst fear.
Nurse~ "Please boys. I know this is hard, but I'm going to have to ask you to say goodbye to Mr. Seavy. We don't think he will make it out. Hes to far in." Tears feel from her eyes slowly. I couldn't breath. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I was dying inside. I feel to the ground and everything went black.

Authors note.
This chapter was hard to write. Sorry if you don't like it but I love the emotion. I almost cried! It's ok tho. Enjoy! Keep reading❤️

Janiel SeaveryWhere stories live. Discover now