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Daniels pov
Lady~ "Me. Seavey and friends?" My heart is pounding out of my chest. Very little comfort comes from Jack holding my hand. But I refused to let go. I need him here. I don't know why I'm so nervous but I need to focus. Jonah raises his hand indicating our presence. The older lady smiles and motions us to follow. We get up and I take another deep breath.
   We get into the small room and the lady sits down. I sit down on that bed thing that they have.
Jonah~ "Zach, Corbyn, and myself are going to wait for you in the lobby. Text us if you need anything." He smiles at me before waiting for one back. I try and give him one, but fails. He pays my shoulder as the two boys follow him out of the door. Jack and Christina stay with me and the lady clears her throat.
Lady~ "Hi Daniel. My name is Carol. I'll be taking care of you. Relax honey, everything will be alright." She smiles at me. She is so kind. Jack squeezes my hand that I still haven't let go of. I look up at him. He mouths "I love you" at me. That brings a smile to my face. Christina smiles at me and sits down in a chair. Jack follows her, letting go of my hand, to sit down. I take one more deep breath before Carol starts the exam.
Carol~ "Okay sweetie. I'm going to ask you some questions. I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me. No one will think any less of you." I nod and she smiles again.
Carol~ "There is only around 5, maybe more, questions at the most. Okay?" I nod and she starts.
Carol~ "Why did you come here today?" Me~ "Don't they tell you that already?" She laughs.
Carol~ "Yes but I would like to know your side of your feelings." I understand and answer the question.
Me~ "Sometimes, a lot lately, I kind of space out and start thinking. I usually drop the things I'm holding and pass out. It's hard to explain." She nods.
Carol~ "Your adult supervisor Mr. Marais, mentioned that you and your friends call it "space syndrome".  Is that correct?" I nod and she takes some notes.
Carol~ "Okay. Next question. Your doing great sweetie. Just relax. Around how long do you stay in this like, trance?" I have to think a bit about that one.
Me~ "I depends. I once was passed out for hours at a time, but I was kind of like sleeping. You'll have to ask Jonah. I don't really know for sure." She takes more notes.
Carol~ "Great. Okay now, have you been feeling depressed or anxious lately? Like any feelings that are unwanted?"
Me~ "Sometimes I feel sad or depressed. I feel anxious a lot, but the boys always help me feel better. Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for people and that I'm, like you said, unwanted." She knitted her eyebrows together and took a couple more notes.
Carol~ "Only a few more. Have you ever thought about harming yourself in any way?" That was a no-brainer question.
Me~ "I had attempted suicide a while back, but since then I haven't thought about it." She wrote down more things, but then set her notepad down.
Carol~ "You did great sweetie. The questions are over with. I'm just going to prescribe some anxious medications and talk to Jonah a little more. You and your friends can go and wait with the other boys in the lobby. Please send Jonah to me. Thank you so much for coming to see me. You'll be feeling better soon." She smiled at me. This time, I actually smiled back. I grabbed Jacks hand and Christina linked her arm with mine as we exited the room and beaded back to the lobby.
Christina~ "You did amazing Daniel. I'm so proud of you."
Me~ "Thanks. I'm so glad you came with me. That wasn't so bad." We arrive into the lobby and send Jonah to Carol, while we just waited. I had jack's fingers still treaded with mine. We sat down and cuddle up close. Christina and Corbyn did the same and Zach just poured, while waiting for the older boy to return.

Jonahs pov
Daniel came back with Christina and jack maybe about 30 minutes after we arrived to the building. They told me that the doctor wanted to speak with me, the supervisor. I nod and walk into the room where we dropped Daniel off.
I reached the door and knocked before Carol invited me in. Smiling she started.
Carol~ "So Daniel does have some pretty bad anxiety, but I will prescribe him some medication. He didn't tell me much, so is there anything you want to add?" I immediately answer honestly.
Me~ "Yes actually. When Daniel spaced out, he doesn't respond. It's like he freezes. He hasn't been himself. We actually get quite worried about him. He seems so off and depressed. We want him to be the happy Danny we had a while ago." She nods and takes a couple of notes down.
Carol~ "I noticed that when Daniel was holding hands with another boy."
Me~ "Yes. That's jack. They are a "thing" and care deeply about one another. Jack seems to be the only one to make Daniel laugh sometimes." She smiles and nods.
Carol~ "That's adorable. How about the rest of you guys. Anything like that." I giggle a little and respond.
Me~ "The blond and the girl are dating and me and the shorter boy have kind of a "thing" going on." She laughs at my embarrassment as I blush.
Carol~ "Okay sweetie. That's amazing. Good for you guys. So Daniel will have to take one of these pills every morning around the same time everyday. Say maybe noon. Whatever works. I would suggest someone be with him at all times when able for a while. I know you guys want the best for him. If anything else comes into play, just come back and ask for Carol. I will talk to Daniel again if needed." I give her some more needed information about Daniel before we shake hands and she hands me a small brown bag containing Daniels pills. We exchange goodbyes and I head out.
I gather the rest of the boys and Christina and we head back home. It's around 6 PM, so we decide to just stop for dinner on the way.
Me~ "Daniel, what do you want for dinner?" He thinks for a moment before answering.
Daniel~ "How about Denny's?" We agree and Corbyn heads in that direction.
We arrive at Denny's and order our dinner. Christina and Zach both get the chicken salad, Corbyn gets the meatloaf and mashed potatoes, Daniel gets a medium burger, Jack gets a pulled pork sandwich, and I get a small order of spaghetti. The food arrived and we dig in. Zach starts to pout at the sight of my delicious spaghetti. He jesters that he want some but I deny him.
Zach~ "Thats not fair. I didn't even see it on the menu." He pouts. I giggle an let him have a bite or two. He smiles satisfied and snuggles up close to me. Corbyn and Jack take some Instagram story videos and Christina takes some cute selfies of her and Corbyn. We finish up around 7, and head out after paying.
The car layout was the same as on the way to the destination. Zach yawns and snuggles up close to me shivering. I laugh and take off my jacket and lay it on top of him. Corbyn turns the heat up a little as he giggles a bit. I soon hear small snores from Zach and behind us, so Jack and Daniel.
Me~ "Daniel?" I whisper.
Daniel~ "Yeah?" I giggle softly.
Me~ "Are we going to have to carry them in again?"
Daniel~ "Yeah." We laugh and wait for Corbs to arrive home.
We arrive home and as planned, me and Daniel carry in the smaller boys. I hoist Zach up and carry him bridal style. His eyelashes always lay beautiful down of his rosy cheeks. God he so adorable. I whisper a good night to Daniel ad he opens the door to his room. Corbyn and Christina are probably already asleep in Corbyns room. I lay Zach down in my bed and lay next to him. We aren't touching but ,still sleeping, he curls up and attached to my hip. I smile and plant a kiss on his forehead.
Me~ "Goodnight Love."

Authors note
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ. In the story: So as Carol said, Danny have to take the pills once a day. I may not put it in the story. Just remember that he takes them okay?! Thank you. Always remember. ITS JUST A STORY. also I love when you guys send me private messages. It makes my day. Comment and vote! Ty!❤️❤️

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