*Pandas and Giraffes*

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Daniels pov
   Heading to the fair, my mind starts to drift off into memories I've had at fairs. Most with families, some with the boys, and the one I went with Veronica. Yeah. Thought you'd never hear that name again. I remember our date clear as day. Our kiss, the Ferris wheel, everything. I refused my mind to drift any farther and snapped out of it.
Jack~ "Are you Alright?" I nodded and he laid his head on my shoulder. I smile at him and look out the window.
      Minutes later Jonah announced that we arrived.
Jonah~ "We're here. Corbyn you're driving home." Corbyn nodded and we all took the hands of our loves and headed in. We payed the man at the entrance and walked in to be greeted by loud music and the smell of, well, the fair.
Zach~ "Are we separating or staying together?"
Everyone~ "Separate." We all laughed and went our separate ways. Knowing Zach he probably dragged Jonah to the food court and Corbyn and Christina probably went to bumper cars, knowing the two. Me and Jack didn't really know where to go first. All I knew was that I didn't want to go on the Ferris wheel.
Me~ "How about games?" He frantically nodded and we both ran to the darts. Which, by the way, was both of our favorite carnival game. Jack went first and got a 8/10. He picked the semi-giant giraffe. The man handed Jack the giraffe and without any hesitation he hands to late stuffed animal to me. I immediately smiled and blushes, of course. We soon laugh about the inside joke about myself and giraffes. We made it in Logans vlog when we were shooting "Nobody Gotta Know" music video. It was my turn to throw and I concentrated hard, trying my best for the giant panda I had seen. I know how much Jack loves pandas so I was determined to win it for him. I threw dart after dart at the small colorful balloons and ended up with a 10/10.
Me~ "YES!!" Jack giggled at my excitement.
Jack~ "Nice job babe." I pointed at the Panda and the man behind the counter handed it to me with a smile. I thanked him and immediately handed Jack the bear.
Jack~ "Awww. Thanks Danny."
Me~ "Anything for you." He smiles and causing me to smile. We just stand there for a second with two giant stuffed animals from one another. This night was already so fun. I thanked Jack again for the giraffe and we took each others hands again and headed towards more fun activities.
Two hours later we had played ring toss, basketball, and more darts. I ended up with my giraffe, from Jack, and a small goat I had one in ring toss. Jack had his panda, from me, and two small animals. One lion and one frog. Everyone had their phones and no one had called me nor jack yet so we continued our fun. We walk towards the bumper cars Corbyn and Christina had gone to earlier. I start to walk into line when Jack stops.
Me~ "What's wrong boo?"
Jack~ "What about our stuffed animals? Someone might take them." He pouts as I laugh at his cuteness.
Me~ "You can go first babe. I'll stay with the stuffed animals." His face brightens as he hands be the stuffed animals and kisses me. While jack gave me a small kiss a group of boys and girls scoffed at us. Jack starts to get mad.
Me~ "Don't worry about them. Just beat their butts in bumper cars." He smiles and walks into line. So there I stand. A teenager with five stuffed animals. I laughed at myself and watched Jack have so much fun bumping into the group of boys and girls with his car. A smile never left my face while I watched him.
Soon after many more rides I started to get tired, but no night at the fair could end without riding the Ferris Wheel. I desperately didn't want to but Jack really wanted to.
Jack~ "Pleeeeeaaaassseee baby. I want to goooooooo on the ride. Please." He popes his bottom lip out and waited for me to give in. Of course I did and we soon were in a line for the ride. Jack was so happy. How could I not be. I tried my hardest to replace my old memory of me and Veronica on this ride, with the new one taking place right now. We step onto the cart and place our stuffed animals on one side and ourselves on the other. The man locked us in and I threw my arm lazily around Jack as he cuddles up into my chest.
Jack~ "Thank you for doing this with me. I love you." I look down at him and smile. His eyes sparkled and he looks beautiful as always. My smile soon grew as he started to lean in. Of course I lean in too and my lips touch his soft ones in a second. It was once again magical. My arm went from around him to on his hips holding him close to me. He cups my face with his hand and our lips moved in sync. After a minute of making out we both pull away slightly out of breath. Still smiling he cuddled back into my side.
Me~ "Jack."
Jack~ "Yeah." He looked up to me not moving his body.
Me~ "I love you too." We both smile and look at the view from the top.
    The ride ended and we stepped of the ride. In the distance I see two people walking towards me and Jack. I squint my eyes to look deeper. One I recognized the faces I smile. Jonah and Zach ran up to us and stopped, breathless, Zach started talking about what Jonah and him had done in the two, or so, hours that they had. He went on and on and being the supportive friend he is, Jack listened. Jonah giggled at the smaller boy and just looked at him. Being Jonahs friend, I know pretty much everything about him. I know when we really really likes someone. That sparkle he gets in his eyes only shows when he truly takes the time to stop and look at the boy he loves. His eyes sparkle like crazy when he looks at Zach. My thoughts were interrupted by Jonah talking.
Jonah~ "Daniel?"
Me~ "Yeah sorry what up?"
Jonah~ "While hanging out with Zach today something crossed my mind."
Me~ "Which is?"
Jonah~ "Me and Zach aren't officially a couple. We just act and feel like it. I never asked him."
Me~ "Then do it Jo. He'll say yes 100%. Have you been on the Ferris wheel?"
Jonah~ "No. Not yet. Why?"
Me~ "Ask him today. Take him and ask him at the top." His was light up at my idea. He nods and turns to Zach, who is still in a deep one way conversation with Jack.
Jonah~ "Zach, lets go on the Ferris wheel."
Zach~ "YAY!!" Zach grabs Jonahs hand and starts to walk. Jonah mouths "wish me luck" and runs off to get in line with Zach. Jack looks at me confused.
Me~ "Jonahs going to ask Zach to be his boyfriend."

Authors note
Ooooooo cliffhanger. I realized that I never had They boys actually be official. DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!! Continue reading and enjoy!!

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