*Alright i guess*

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(Danny's face 😂. Why so serious corb and jack? 😂)

Daniels pov
I wake up and hear jacks soft snores as I did last night. Giggling, I slowly get up and exit the room. I walk downstairs and no one is down there. I shrug and make my breakfast. I decide on eggs. I've had too much cereal lately. I turn in the stove and grab my pan. I make the mixture and pour it into the pan. I hear a small shut of a door followed by footsteps. Corbyn soon appears in the kitchen as we exchange smiles. I start to look away but I can see a flash of worry on his face. I shake it off and he sits down. I serve him some eggs and yell for the rest of the boys to come.
Me~ "LETS GO GUYS YOUR EGGS ARE GETTING COLD!" Corbyn laughs as three sleepy boys enter the kitchen rubbing their eyes and dragging their feet. They sit down as I serve everyone scrambled eggs. We eat in silence until Jonah, who is next to me on my right, starts talking.
Jonah~ "How are you? With the thing?" His face is plastered with concern and worry.
Me~ "Alright I guess. I'm not sure." I look down not wanting to make eye contact with him. I see him return to his breakfast out of the corner of my eye and I let out a much needed breath. I don't really want to talk about anything on the topic. I might start "thinking" again.
Jonah~ "If you start getting bad again we are getting you some help, Daniel. We care about you and we want you to be safe and alright." He whispers. I look to the other boys who are engaged in a conversation. I nod at Jonah and he looks me in the eye. He stares at me for a minute before getting up and clearing his dishes. I look back to my eggs and quickly finish them before rushing up to my room.
I shut the door and lean on it. My breathing rate increases but I ignore it. I sit down on my bed. I start to get a little hot and sweaty. I probably should wash my face. I start walking to the bathroom, but have to stop midway. My head starts to spin and everything gets a little blurry and it spins. I try and blink to shake it off before I start for the bathroom again. I make it to the door and bring myself up to the sink. I splash water on my face and look in the mirror. Many many things run through my head everyday when I look in the mirror. All of my insecurities I have to look at. Not only me but millions of people. I stare at the image looking back at me. I blink but soon regret it. Everything starts spinning like before but faster. I let go of the sink that my hands were grasped around and grab my head. Backing into the walk i stop moving. I try and breathe but it's not working I can't breathe. I hear a soft "Danny?" as blackness covers my vision like a blanket.

Jacks pov
My conversation with Corbyn and Zach wasn't as interesting as I think Danny and Jonahs was. I could see them out of the corner of my eyes. Jonah gets up and clears his plate. Daniel quickly finishes and rushes out of the room. I quickly follow, worried about him. Before I even make it to the top of the stairs, I hear the door shut. I just stand there and wait for him to come out. I wonder what happened between him and Jonah. I walk downstairs and realize how quiet the house is. I shrug it off and find Jonah.
Me~ "What happened with Danny?" He shrugs.
Jonah~ "I just asked him how he was." My worry level is increasing drastically. Me~ "What did he say??"
Jonah~ "He said he was alright. So I told him that if he starts getting bad again then we would get him help." I nodded and Jonah walked away. I head upstairs again.
At the top of the stairs reach my shared bedroom with Danny. I slowly open the door and step inside. He isn't in the room.
Me~ "Danny?" I say softly. Not even three seconds later I hear a loud thud coming from the bathroom. I run to the noise and then. I stop. He's just laying on the floor. No pills this time. No blood. I scream for the boys and they all rush upstairs. Corbyn whips his phone out, hands shaking, and drops it.
Corbyn~ "Shit." He picks it up but right as he was about to dial nine one one, the body I have fallen in love with moves. A small groan falls out of his mouth. I drop to my knees and hold him. He slowly holds me back.
Me~ "Danny?" He nods slowly. We all let out a breath of relief as we help him to his bed. I lay down next to him and he cuddles into my side as I stroke his hair. I look over to the door where the boys were leaving. Jonah turns around and mouths "We have to get him help." I nod and he leaves. I just look down at my baby. He's so beautiful I can't hold back a smile. I can tell Jonah is right. He's mostly right all the time.
     I spend the rest of the day doing pretty much nothing. Me and the boys played some video games. Daniel only woke up for an hour at the most and we made him eat lunch, but he fell back asleep and we felt too bad for him to start questioning him. I could tell we were all worried about him. Along with video games we watched some movies. We watched White Chicks and High School Musical because why not. Unsurprisingly Corbyn sang to all of the songs word for word. After we finished the movies we played one last round of Call Of Duty. It was getting late so I headed up to bed. I make sure to be quiet as I open the door and change into pajamas. I walk over to Daniels bed where we moved him earlier and sat down next to him. I watched him breathe and thanked the gods that he was able to. I only spent a couple of minutes by his side. Being extremely worried throughout the whole day can make one exhausted. I stroke Danny's hair and cheek one more time before I retract my hand and place one last kiss on his forehead before I walk over to my bed. I fell asleep faster than I thought I would and was soon engulfed in dreams.

Authors note
   I'm so so so sorry for the delays. I am getting so busy with Volleyball, but the seasons over and I'll have more time. Schools getting hard too so updated might be around 3-4- even 5 days apart. It's only temporary but enjoy! Thank you so much for over 15k! That's unbelievable ❤️❤️❤️😭

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