*Amazing idea*

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(My parents are so adorable.❤️😂)

Jonahs pov
I️ currently sit in my bed. Cuddled up next to the one I️ love most. Reading my favorite book. Sipping my favorite coffee. Trying to pretend that everything is alright. But it's not. I️ look down at the rosy cheeked boy attached to my hip. Every time I️ look at him I️ smile. He has that affect on me. My phone starts to vibrate with my alarm. I've been reading, thinking about Zach, and staring at Zach for almost 5 hours. I️ have to wake him now. He looks so peaceful I️ don't want to disturb him. But I️ must. I️ slowly shake the young boy very carefully while whispering,
Me~ "Zach? Baby you have to wake up. Only for a little while." He groans and relief rushes over my body. I️ turn on the small table lamp by my bed and his eyes flicker open, causing my already existing smile to widen. He smiles at me and sits up, still attached to my side. I️ swing my arm over his shoulders and he lays his head in my neck, keeping his eyes open. I️ set my books down and we talk while I️ keep him awake. God I️ don't know what I️ would have done if I️ lost him. We continue to talk and quietly laugh for an hour. I️ inform him that he can sleep now as he yawns. I️ laugh and he lays back down. I️ turn the night off and take another sip of my coffee. Still sleepy Zach try's to talk.
Zach~ "Why are you still awake?" I️ giggle.
Me~ "I️ have to watch over you, Love."
Zach~ "Oh. Goodnight." He whispers to me.
Me~ "Goodnight." I️ whisper back. He falls asleep as I️ reopen my book to the page I️ left off of. Every minute or so I️ would casually flip the page, then look at Zach, then return my eyes to the book.
        I️ soon finished the small book hours later. I️ check the clock, that reads 7AM. I️ put the book down and grab my phone. Zach still has 30 minutes left to sleep. I️ text Jack because I️ know he would be awake. Danny sleeps till noon and Corbyn has to have a morning nap.
Me~ "Jack? You awake?"
Jack~ "Yeah Jo what's up?"
Me~ "Cab you come and take my spot with Zach for maybe an hour or two? I'm extremely exhausted and I️ finished my book."
Jack~ "Of course. I'll be right there."
Me~ "Thanks noodles. It means a lot."
Jack~ "No prob."
~Texts over~
     Seconds later the bedroom door slowly creeks open revealing a just woken up Jack. He smiles and helps me detach Zach. Zach groans a little out doesn't wake up. I️ kiss his temple and slip out of the bed as Jack takes my spot curling up next to Zach. Jack has Daniel so I'm not worried. I'm too tired to be worried. I️ thank him again and walk downstairs with my blanket and pillow.
     I️ set up the couch and fall asleep immediately as I️ lay down. I️ can sleep knowing that Zach is alright.

Jacks pov
    I️ switched spots with Jonah while he yawns and takes his stuff downstairs. I️ set my phone timer for half an hour as I️ get comfortable in Jonahs bed. Damn he has a comfortable bed. Zach moves around a little and slips his hands around my waist. I️ giggle quietly while he continues sleeping. I'm glad he's alright. I️ made sure to text Daniel so he doesn't worry when he wakes. I️ open some apps and occupy myself until it's time to wake up Zachy.
     About half an hour later my timer goes off and I️ wake Zach up. He slowly wakes up and looks around confused.
Zach~ "Wheres Jonah?"
Me~ "He went to sleep downstairs. You can wake up for the day now. Unless you're still tired." He nods and slowly he's out of bed and gets dressed. He fixes his hair a little and we go downstairs together. Jonah is still sleeping on the couch so we leave him be after Zach kisses his forehead. I️ make us some waffles as a extremely sleepy Daniel walks down the stairs, clumsily, rubbing his eyes. He mumbles a good morning and sits down while trying to wake up. I walk over to the toaster to make Danny some waffles when a pair of arms snake their way across my waist. I immediately smile and turn around. Daniels arms still around my waist he smiles back. His presence makes me happy.
Daniel~ "Morning Love."
Me~ "Morning." He kisses my forehead and walks over to the fridge. My waist missing his presence I continue making breakfast.
    Soon after Daniel woke up, Corbyn entered the kitchen. He mumbles inaudible words to us and sits down with a thud. Confused, I walk over to him giving him the plate of waffles I made him. I smile at him and get one in return.
     Everyone, besides Jonah, finished their waffles including myself while we try and think of an activity to do today. We tried to pick something Zach was able to do, still having a slight concussion.
Corbyn~ "What about the fair? I heard LA just opened one not too far from here." We all agree on the amazing idea and just start relaxing. No one wanted to wake Jonah up. Zach made his way over to the couch and snuggled up with Jonah. He soon got up minutes later to have the coffee pot ready for making Jonahs coffee when he awakes.
       Maybe an hour later Jonahs eyes cracked open and started to adjust to the morning light. He smiled immediately at Zach, who had snuggled back up with him, and slowly got up. Zach jumped up too fast and squealed at the pain in his head. Jonah shot up and held Zach. Seconds later Zach promised the older boy he was fine and walked into the kitchen to make Jonahs coffee. As Zach does this, we all tell Jonah Corbyns idea of the fair.
Corbyn~ "So What about it Jo?" Jonah thinks for a minute about Zach's safety.
Jonah~ "Fine but I'm staying with him and no rides." Zach strolls back into the kitchen with a mug in hand.
Zach~ "Aww." He says as he hands Jonah his coffee. Jonah takes a sip and responds.
Jonah~ "Should have thought about that before making actions baby." Zach started to respond, but stopped not wanting to fight before Jonah has finished his coffee. Everyone gets up and separates to get ready for the fair. Halfway up the stairs, Danny grabs my hand and outs it in his own and smiles proud of his action. I laugh at him and hold tightly onto his hand. We enter our room and get dressed, fix our hair, and pack a bag for the day. As soon as we are ready we head downstairs. We greet the boys who are already ready.
Zach~ "Finally. Now let's go!" He squeals with excitement and starts to jump around before he was stopped by Jonah. We laugh and pile into the car. Jonah started to drive, until Corbyn stopped him.
Corbyn~ "WAIT!" Jonah slams on the breaks and turns his head to Corbyn, who was siting right next to him in shotgun.
Jonah~ "WHAT CORBYN?!"
Corbyn~ "Can I invite Christina so I don't have to third wheel with you guys?" He pleaded with his bottom lip out. Zach holds back his laughter as Jonah nods his head.
Corbyn~ "YES!" He starts to dial Christina's number. They talk for a minute and a smile never leaves Bean's face. He says goodbye and makes us all wait for his girlfriend. Fortunately, only minutes were passed before the brunette girl walked up to our car. She waves hello and waits for Corbyn. He gets out and trades spots in the car with Zach. Happily, Zach takes shotgun. Now Christina and Corbyn take middle as me and Daniel take back. Christina thanks Jonah for waiting and says hellos to everyone.
Jonah~ "Everyone ready?" We all nod and head to the fair with smiles and hand holds, because you pet your noodles me and Danny are holding hands. *smiles*

Authors note
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 20K!! THATS UNREAL!! I'm in the process of thinking of more book ideas so FOLLOW ME for more! They probs won't be out until the book is over. Make sure to comment when you think I should end the book. VOTE!! ❤️❤️

Janiel SeaveryWhere stories live. Discover now