Chapter 6 A little bit of crime

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"I'm sorry but her files can't be unlocked they need a pass code which I don't have" Lestrade apoligized.

Katie sighed in frustration, "Why is the file even in your system then if you can't even access it, what if the information is vital to the case your currently on" she ranted hoping Lestrase will take the hint.

Lestrade shook his head "The information is property of the family members or guardians of the victim you need permission and the pass codes from them"

"Intresting" Sherlock mumbled. Katie paced 'why would her family hide information, Surely they want to know who killed their daughter, I need at look at those files, how.... Ahh' Katie held her breath standing still she trained her mind on relaxing, she felt her body realax, and fall into darkness.

"Jesus" lestrade shouted running over too her.

"She just fell.." he panicked.

Lestrade picked her up. "Carefull get her a chair" Sherlock snapped, lestrade kicked open the door of his office and layed her down carefully in his chair.

Sherlock placed a hand on her forehead. "We should call an..." Lestrade started.

"No I need a bowl full of hot water a cloth, smelling salts and some aisprin" Lestrade nodded confused. "Now" he shouted. Lestrade hurried off to collect the things.

Katie groaned "Is he gone" she muttered rubbing her head "My head is sore wasn't planning on hitting the ground that hard" "why didn't you catch me" she questioned sitting up.

"A signal next time" he replied.

"How much time" Katie said seriously, she logged onto the computer by passing the password easily. "20 minutes to get from the chemist back here if he takes a cab"

Katie nodded, typing fast decoding the security system, "I can work with that, hacked into yours in five minutes" she muttered. Different files popped on the screen she dismissed them, five minutes gone by she still couldn't find the document she needed. "Were are you, there you are" she clicked a file 'pass code', she typed in an access code. 'Access dneied ' she tried again, the screen turned black 'file beached' an instant virus started tracking the codes. "No you don't" she hissed, her fingers flew over the key board inserting numerous codes and numbers, she disconnected the wifi and router she typed a few keys sending the virus back to the computer who sent it, hopefully thier system woukd shut down if not they can only watch as she hacked the files she froze thier systems they could do nothing. The screen cleared, 'access granted' Katie flexed her fingers, she clicked open the file.

"I'm good" she muttered.

"Five minutes" Sherlock warned her peering over her shoulder. "You just got in" he asked eyebrows raised. "It was a virus you should know what it is" she snapped.

"Remember who taught you" he snapped back, Katie ignored him, she took out a piece of paper and scribbled down names addresses and the computers IP number.

"I can get more information later, its easier to hack with my own system, we don't have time now" she deleted the history and destroyed any traces of her identity as the hacker and shut the computer down.

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "I know you could clear my name having an uncle as the government helps, but I like to keep my hacks clean" Katie shrugged.

"You've done this more than once" he questioned Interestedly.

Katie scoffed "Of course I have"

Lestrase struggled in with a bucket of warm water and a packet of aspirin.

"No need for the water anymore, give me the aspirin" Katie demanded, she grabbed the packet and shoved it in her pocket. Lestrade gave her a concerned look.

Katie shrugged her shoulders again "I have not had much sleep since this case began" she strolled out of the room leaving Sherlock and Lestrade argue about her well being, which didn't go well, Sherlock stormed out of the office, "Were leaving".

Back at 221b Katie started up her lap top and hacked into the system again this time without trouble.

"Kala Danjerio (very original right :p), two adopted sisters, her brother Pesdro Danjerio her mother Rosa Danjerio died in accident when she was six, her father Lanto Abeni Danjerio was their current guardian" Katie started.

"Was" Sherlock spun a chair around and read the file. "Interesting he died of cardiac arrest when it states here he had no health problems, It looks like Pedro has had trouble with us before" she showed him his file.

"Lestrade has been trying to catch this gang for years, their known as the vipers, they are definitely involved in some high class drugs Pesdro is their leader catch him and the whole operation shuts down unless they have friends in high places"

Sherlock sent her a look.

"But that's not our priority write noe, he didn't really have a very good relationahip with his sisters either, he has seen three physiatrists"

"Open his medical history" Sherlock suggested.

Katie opened the file "Reasonable, depression after his mothers death he started doing drugs, it only got worse when his father died they were close" Then Katie read something that made her eyes widen, "Sherlock" she said slowly.

Sherlock noticed "The list of surgeons working on Abeni's surgeey "

Katie's eyes lit up "Kala was the main surgeon, she never worked at her family bussiness she wanes to become a doctor, her ex lied,-" she paused it clicked. "Sherlock Mr Addams is not her ex, I can't believe I didn't see it before, he was side tracking us, she didn't come from Asia, he planted the information, in the system to miss leas us, he over dosed the drug enough to kill her then shoved, the piece of paper down her trachea, she lived her the hole time that's why it didn't make sense, why I couldn't connect the artefact or find her employer, there wasn't one, it was cold blooded murder for revenge"

Sherlock absorbed the information than grabbed his coat "He's going after all the surgeons on that list"

"Sherlock one of his adopted sisters is on that list, he blames them all of them his own family, its sick" Katie said disgusted.

"Katlyn focus" Sherlock demanded.

"I am" she snapped grabbing her coat.

"We need to find Pesdro" Sherlock said hailing a cab they climbed in quickly.

"if you were going to a kill a loved one what's the easiest why to do it"

"I would, travel to where they work, kidnapped them take them to an abandoned place and kill them or, come off less suspicious and invite them to dinner and poison there food quick and easy while having the satisfaction of watching them slowly die as revenge" Katie rambled.

Sherlock nodded "Let's hope she's still alive then" he muttered under his breath.

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now