Chapter 1 The Nightmares are Back

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Chapter 1 The Nightmares are Back

I stare blankly at the ceiling from where I lay. The nightmare was back again. Sighing I sit up, I don't think I'll be getting much more sleep tonight. The nightmare is still fresh in my mind. It's the same nightmare for three nights in a row now. My mother and I are running down an alley, a gunshot rings hrough my ears, mixed with her never ending scream and a man taunting my name in a sickly sweet sing-song voice "Katie ". I shiver, closing my eyes and banishing the image from my mind, locking it behind The Steel Door in my Mind Palace. I glance at my alarm clock, six in the morning, John would come wake me soon enough. I try to rest but at this point it's a futile effort  'if I I'm not going to get a decent hour of sleep I might as well keep myself busy.' I swing myself out of bed and shove on my fluffy dressing gown. Making my way to the kitchen, I step over plastic bags full of science equipment, that sherlock left lying around, and grab some milk from the fridge, I pour some water into the kettle and set it to boil, I heap a few teaspoons of coco into my favorite mug.

"Can't sleep?"

I spun round in suprise but caught my breath back once I realised who was standing in front of me.
"Sherlock!, you scared the crap out of me" I squeak.

"you look like you've had a rough night" he notes.

I nod. "yeah, nightmares... How long have you been up?"

"A couple of hours at most, I'm sorting through some case files" he sighs, looking away from me. I frown I can tell from the bags under his eyes he's been up most of the night, most likely worrying about me and searching for a case to take his mind off it. All the parental feelings are new to him, but he's been getting the hang of it over the last few years. It's just been harder for him to raise me since mum died.

"Anything intresting?"

He gave an annoyed grunt. "No, make me a cup of coffee and meet me in the living room, black-"

"With two sugars I know, I've been making it for years" I smirk. I've lost count the amount of times I've made him coffee in fact I've made it that often I automatically reach for the coffee jar on the shelf when I'm boiling the kettle, even if I'm not making it.

"Then how come it's not good enough" he jokes, walking out the room. I roll my eyes of course when no one else is around, he's playful. I wish he would let other people see him like this, he acts more human then complex machine, I'm probably the only person he will allow himself to relax with, me and my mother before she died that is. I close my eyes as the memory of her death creeped in, 'No', I shook my head, shutting the memory out and busied myself with making the drinks. I'm not letting it rule me this time I refuse to let it control me like last night.

Once the drinks were made I brought them into the living room, putting them on the table in the middle of the room. I sat on the couch hugging my knees and staring at my coco, it was the bitter stuff with a little sugar added to it as I don't like normal hot chocolate.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Sherlock's voice. "sorry?"

"How long have you been having nightmares?" he repeats.

I tought for a moment. "I suppose they started after mum died, then they stopped for five years and now there recently coming back, I'm not sure why though"

He nodds and picks up a case file from the table, I can tell from the way he is staring at the page that he knowd they're about my mothers death. "do they scare you?" he asks flicking over the page when he caught me staring.

"A little" I lie taking a sip off my coco, wincing as it burned my lips.

Sherlocks eyebrow raises, his eyes scanning the page but he says nothing. After a moment he looks up at me his expression thoughtful. "I can get you a prescription for some sleeping pills if you want, they'll knock you out cold for a few hours"

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now