Chapter 18 End of the case... and a bad ending

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I got alot of questions so I'm splitting them into diffrent chapters. Don't forget to keep commenting questions. :) love y'all Katie fans ;)

Katie's P.O.V

"Did Sean ever have any conflict with his siblings? Did he mention any problems they had? Or if they needed to borrow money" I asked.

Mrs Donavin shook her head "No not that I no of there might have been one or two scraps but nothing serious" she clutched her mug tightly.

"Sean was always a helpful person... if you ever needed someone to pick you up he was always there" She smiled a little.

I handed her the note. "Would you have any side why he wrote this" she read threw it.

"Seek him... suppose he means god"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Ms Donavin if you have any important information don't allude us if not we won't disturb you any longer"

I grabbed my coat. "Wait..."

I turned round. "Jenna and sis it sounds like genesis" I stared at her for moment then mentally slapped myself of course it was so simple.

"The old testament" I muttered. Thank you for your time" I said quickly and ran out of the house.

"What's your theory" Sherlock asked hoping in a cab with me.

"The date and time is all wrong on the note I need the Timor death to confirm it but our victim left a clue in a message from the bible"

The cab stopped Sherlock climbed out. "Meet me back at baker street"

"Wait where are you going" I shouted after him.

"To talk to Molly... I'm searching for the poison for evidence. Find that message" he ordered.

"Baker street" I demanded. What was he up too?

Back at Baker street I found a dusty bible behind the bookshelf. I always wondered why we even had one.

"Am refers to old testament. 4:10 the passage" I muttered flipping through the pages I stopped on one particular passage. Cain and Able!

I took out my phone and texted dad.

Got him- KH


How did he know?

You knew-KH

Am old testament 4:10 Cain and able. Sean owned a larger company. John owned part of it. When his brother died by law he had dull custody of the company- SH

How long- KH

The start of the case you did excellent- SH

He was testing me! At least I past.

The door slammed shut sherlock shrugged of his coat and sat in his chair. I just stared at him the whole time he knew and sisnt bother to enlighten me. He looked at me.

"Leave me in peace I need to think" he demanded placing his fingertips together and tapped his chin in thought.

I walked upstairs into his room and grabbed my laptop of his dresser. I went to my room and opened Facebook.

I had a message.

Can you meet me in the park now- Luna. H

Sure be there in 5- Katie Holmes.

I deleted my history and closed the laptop I placed it back were I found it and creot down stairs. I glanced in the living room he was still thinking. I sneaked past him and opined the door quietly.

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now