Chapter 14 Detention and a Dead Body

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Detention was a boring affair... for most of the students anyway. Katie found it relaxing it gave her time to think, she threw her legs onto the desk in front of her and leaned back hands clasped behind her head without a care in the world.

After detention Kati slammed her locker shut. "Uh I have Spanish next" she groaned to herself.

It wasn't the subject she hated in fact she was practically fluent in Spanish, it was the people that drove her mad, she thought their stupidity lowered her IQ. Luna chuckled beside her.

"Its not that bad" Luna said positively.

Katie rolled her eyes "That's because your ordinary, I have an IQ of a 142 and most of you here can't even get an A in a simple verb test" she sneered.Luna shook her head and followed behind her she was used to Katie's insults. Just as they reached the classroom. Katie stopped and cast a glance about her, she sniffed the air.

"Sawdust" she muttered to herself, she sniffed the air again and hurriedly followed the scent towards the janiters room. The door was locked Katie got down on her hands and knees and took out a small magnifying glass.

"What are you doing Katie" Luna asked curiously.

"What do you smell" Katie asked her observing the ground.

"I smell sawdust" Luna answered confused. "So what all sorts of things come from a janiters closet"

Katie sighed "No No No No your asking the wrong question. This room hasn't been used in over two years since the new janiters room was moved into the new part of the school this one is set apart from all the classrooms. So what do you smell?"

"OK so I smell sawdust and if the closet is apart from all the other classrooms including the woodwork room and if it has never been used in two years. Then why is their a strong smell of sawdust" Luna wondered.

"Exactly" Katie jumped up. "A body is in there" Katie said excitedly.

"How do you know" Luna asked. Katie handed her, her magnifying glass.

"What do you see" Katie quizzed.

Luna copied Katies methods but after a moment she shrugged her shoulders and got up.

"All I can see is dust trails"

"Dust is authentic its like a stamp of information everyone cleans the handles and the doors but no one remembers the dust" she exclaimed. "Look again and I will guide you"

Luna searched again this time Katie guiding her through each trail.

"At the bottom right by the crack of the door see the small ark that proves the door was opened also there is a thin sliver of cotton"

"From a school jumper" Luna stated.

Katie clapped her hands together "Excellent the cotton is blue this will narrow down our search"

"Moving on see the two faint lines and a black scuff mark on the clean part of the floor. The body was dragged here, their shoe got caught on something... the bin. They pulled the body and her foot loosened leaving a faint scuff mark, so after everything you've seen what can you gather"

Luna got up. "That the captor is a student"

Katie groaned "you don't observe"

"were looking for a two students one is female 5'2 the other is male 5'9 judging from the spread of his footprint he's heavy built, he did all the dragging the female unlocked the door"

Katie plucked a sharpened hair pin from her hair and thumbled with the rollers in the lock until she heard a click satisfied she stepped back then turned to Luna. "When I open this door you become a witness of the crime scene what your about to see may be grotesque" she warned her friend.

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now