Chapter 9 In The Bedroom

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Katie groaned and blinked, her head pounded and her vision blurred. The light room swayed she blinked again and cleared her vision. This wasn't what she was expecting, she thought she might have been placed in a cell or a basement but she was in a small bedroom, the wallswere covered in red ttapestries, the walls themselves were pale peach, she lying in a queen sized bed, the covers over her. She felt smoothness on her skin 'silk why am I wearing silk I wasn't before I got here' she moved her hand to check under the coverlet but her right wrist was tied to the bed post. 'Great just great' she sighed, some creep had kidnapped her, she wondered what time it was and if Sherlock noticed she was missing yet.

The door opened, Katie closed her eyes and pretended she was still asleep. The man sat down on the bed and leaned over her "Your beautiful" he whispered then slapped her in the face.

"I know your awake" he growled.

Katie winced, and stared at her kidnapper silently. Pesdro laughed "your quite I like that the others always whine and never shut up they can be really annoying"

"I wonder why?" She bit back sarcastically.

Pesdro yanked her by her hair fiercely "Shut your little smart mouth or I'll cut out your tongue" he whispered.

Katie remained silent, she wasn't scared but she wasn't going to test the man with a razor blade strapped to his ankle.

"You scared" he sneered.

Katie shook her head and glared.

"thought not" Pesdro leaned in closer to her face so his cracked lips brushed her cheek, she shivered in disgust. "Your going to be" he chuckled. Then leapt of the bed and left the room.

Katie tugged at the handcuffs on her wrist, she had a bobby pin in her hair but she uses her right hand, she cursed herself or being so stupid for running of on her own, she just hoped Sherlock noticed she was missing by now.

Pesdro returned carrying a tray of food and water with two pills, he placed it in front of her the meat was cut into pieces already there was mash potatoes made from the packet and soggy vegetables, covered in a white sauce.

"Its Viel made it special for you, I even added a white wine sauce" Pesdro said slightly proud.

Katie found it odd that a serial killer liked to cook for his victim's, but Katie wasn't a victim and she eyed the food suspiciously.

The man sighed and yanked her hair until she yelped. "I made it for you, eat it, its not poisoned"

Pesdro tugged at her hair harder, but Katie wouldn't touch it, she didn't trust him.

"EAT IT NOW OUR I'LL FORCE FEED YOU IT" he shouted slapping her on the cheek again, then he pulled her head forward and smacked it back against the head board. Katie felt tears brim I her eyes she blinked and grabbed the fork hatefully, she hoped for metal cutlery but all she was given was a plastic fork.

Pesdro smiled happily then frowned "Take these" he ordered holding out two pills.

Katie stopped eating and stared at him "You kidnapped me forced me to eat food that almost screams its drugged and now you ant me to talk pills which will either kill me or put me in a comma" she said defiantly.

Pesdro smiled down at her, it was a sy smile a knowing smirk that she hated.

"Usually the other girls would be screaming and begging for their life by now your different your strong, I like you but your going to take these pills or I'm going to swing a hammer at your head and knock you unconscious the force feed you them down your throat" he pulled threatened.

Katie spat the food she was chewing on the plate and snatched them out of his hand she sniffed them her eyes widened in surprise "vitamins" it was more of a statement then a question but Pesdro nodded anyway. She had know idea why she did it but she did, she threw the pills to the back of her throat and sippd from the cup he was holding for her.

"Their not for you" he grumbled jumping off the bed and left slamming the door behind him.

Katie stared at the door then back at her food. 'Not for me then for who-' Katie gasped tears filled her eyes she automatically held her hand to her stomach, how had she not noticed before only now did she feel the dull throb between her legs. The tears spilled down her cheeks as she realized he rapped her , Sherlock was going to disown her.

Pesdro raped her and she was pregnant with his child.












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A/N Dun,Dun,Duuuuuuuuun and she's pregnant things are not going to well for her, first the nightmares second the melt down, third she lost her innocence and Fourth she's pregnant, that's enough for anyone to suffer post traumatic stress *hint* *hint* :)

Here you go chapter nine hope y'all are happy ;)

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now