Chapter 13 Breakfast?

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"Get up Johns not around to wake you up anymore so I have to do it" Sherlock said irritably shaking her shoulder.

Katie cursed and threw the blankets off her head. "What time is it" she yawned stretching.

"Half six I didn't-"

"WHAT YOU WAKE ME UP AT HALF SIX IN THE MORNING" she shouted accusingly.

"How I'm I supposed to know what time you have to get up for school at John woke you up or your alarm did" he snapped "Where is your alarm"

Katie pointed at a smashed alarm lying in piece's beside the wall. Sherlock stared at it and shook his head. Katie glared at him and waited.

"What?" He snapped.

"Get out I have to change" she ordered pointing at the door.

Sherlock left and in ten minutes she washed changed and walked into the kitchen. The sight before her shocked her.Sherlock was sitting camly in his dresing gown drinking black coffee with a placid expression on his face scrolling on the internet on HER laptop!. On the table was a plate full of hot scones two boxes of different cereals, milk orange juice french rolls and just about every muffin and biscuit you could think of.

Sherlock glanced up at her and continued his pointless search. "Mrs Hudson offered to make breakfast for you since you hadn't eaten in two days".

Just then there was a knock on the door and Mrs Hudson walked in with a tray of tea. She smiled at Katie "hello dearie I didn't know what you would like for breakfast so I put together a few things your looking rather thin lately so I-"

"Thank you Mrs Hudson" Katie snapped. "But I'm not hungry so it was pointless making it and

I don't drink tea before eight o'clock" she flounced of of the room.

"I'm sorry Mrs Hudson Katies had a troubling few days why don't you go and drink some tea" he said kindly leading Mrs Hudson out. When he closed the door he frowned and shouted "Katlyn Holmes get down here this instant".

Katie brushing her teeth in the bathroom washed out her mouth and stormed down stairs. "Im a little busy-" she started to rant but Sherlock cut her off. "Sit down" he ordered his voice low.

Katie closes her mouth and sat down. Sherlock sighed and sat down across the way from her after a while he spoke.

"I have been trying my best to cope with your attitude these past few years I knew its been hard for you after your mothers death but you have to remember that your mom was a well known person and her death affected a lot of people but they have moved on and I tried to help you move on I have tried by begin kind to you and I talked to you but so far I have done nothing that can get through to you"

Sherlock threw up his hands to the ceiling "If your not going to let me help you Katie then I don't see what else I can do and I've had alright I wot take it any longer, I just don't know what to do". He continued. Then he glanced at her she sat very still processing what he said.

Katie sat silently her stomach made flips with each breath. "So, what are you going to do" she asked finally her voice in a whisper.

Sherlock looked at her and sighed he got up ad sat next to her. "I don't know" he said after a moment. Katie carefully leaned in a little. Sherlock gave her a small smile.

"Ive tried letting go it hurts it really hurts" she whispered. "I've been so busy grieving I forgot I had someone else worrying over me and I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner"

Sherlock wrapped his arms around her in a quick hug. Then jumped up he glanced at his watch and grinned brightly "Come on we have to get you to school"

Katie groaned and stuck out her tongue playfully "I hate you" she said.

Sherlock grabbed a scone from the kitchen and ignored her comment he placed the scone n front of her. Katie looked at it and sighed giving in she took a bite out of it her eyes widened "This s rewwely gud" she said her voice muffled she swallowed. "This is really good" she repeated. Then to Sherlock surprise she grabbed three more she placed two in her pocket and handed him one.

"if I ave to eat so do you" she smirked folding her arms across her chest. Sherlock reluctantly took a small bite and Katie smiled. "There its not so bad"

Sherlock made a childish face.

"What's this he plays He's losing his nerve" Katie shouted in mock horror. Sherlocks expression returned to his normal placid one and he threw the rest kd the scone on her plate.

"Let's go" he demanded.












OK so this one is pretty bad but I wanted to have some tension I don't know if I did a very good job tough ah well beginners stage I suppose.

Katie Holmes Sherlock's Daughter: Lost  [Book One] (A BBC Sherlock fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now